MovieChat Forums > Forrest Gump (1994) Discussion > How did Forrest support himself?

How did Forrest support himself?

When Forrest is away from home for 3 or so years doing his running how did he support himself over all that time? Yes I realise he wasn’t short of money and that, through the running he gained some sort of celebrity status but how did he support himself ? Where did he sleep at the end of each day, how did he eat etc? I know it sounds silly but did he have a huge wad of cash in those shorts or something? Were credit cards even around then, I don’t know. It’s just something I’ve always pondered on. It’s all very well being away from home for years but how did he do it ?



I guess he relied on the kindness of strangers.


my guess is people gave him a place to stay. What year was it by then?


I’m guessing it must’ve been the early to mid-eighties.


Then maybe he used his ATM card to get cash when he needed it.


More than likely.


Maybe he took money with him.


And kept it where? In those tiny shorts ? lol


There's a thing called a wallet and a thing called a debit card. He probably just used a debit card to pay for those things. Remember, it was Lieutenant Dan that managed the finances of Bubba Gump Shrimp. Dan probably hired someone to manage the finances of it. And he had money going into Forrest's Bank Account. Forrest while being CEO of that company didn't manage or make decisions cause he left that to Dan. I admit that's not how it works in real life but this is a fictional movie where things like that can happen.


Debit cards weren't around then. More likely an ATM card and got money out when he needed to.


Credit cards were around then but they would have cut off his credit if his bills were piling up. Maybe he had an accountant who paid his monthly bills.

I always wondered if he locked up his house since his original plan was just to run to the edge of town.


Lt. Dan managed the money from Bubba Gump Shrimp and invested in Apple. Soon after, Forrest received a letter in the mail from Apple and proclaimed that he no longer ever had to worry about money again.

He said when he got tired, he slept. When he got hungry, he ate and when he had to go, he went.

When you don't have to worry about money, you can jog across the Country with no worries about anything including room and board, food, drinks etc... you have no worries, it's a great feeling, trust me.


Soon after, Forrest received a letter in the mail from Apple and proclaimed that he no longer ever had to worry about money again.

Which is good - one less thing.


Probably Lt Dan wired money to him or had somebody on the payroll to handle that.
