MovieChat Forums > The Flintstones (1994) Discussion > I thought Betty was supposed to be hot??...

I thought Betty was supposed to be hot???

Not an overweight offense meant, I'm just saying I was disappointed. They should have gotten Meg Ryan and dyed her hair black. And then told her not to ruin her face in the future w/ plastic surgery.


i agree


Aww you did mean to be offensive, no need to lie about that.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


was Rosie "out" back then? Can't speak of the weight, but it might not be fair to call her a lesbian if it was not known in 1994. Besides. she's an "actress." It's not like John Goodman really being married kept him from pretending to be married to Wilma's portrayed.


One of the major reasons this movie gets such a bad rap is because Betty was miscast. She and Wilma are supposed to be hot, it just is what it is. Too bad about the casting.


Too bad about the casting.

The casting for the most part was actually pretty good. I completely bought John Goodman and Rick Moranis as Fred and Barney, and Elizabeth Perkins was fairly convincing as Wilma too. Rosie O'Donnell was definitely miscast as Betty, but I wouldn't have minded that too much if the film's story was actually interesting.


It never made sense to me that such an easy-going beta-male schlubb like Barney Rubble would be married to a hottie like Betty, so I actually like that his wife was rather homely in the film. Fred is portrayed as the aspirational one so it made more sense that he'd have the sexier wife, whereas this version of Barney struck me as the type of guy who cared more about personality and compatibility than physical attractiveness.

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Alan Rickman (1946-2016)
Prince (Rogers Nelson) (1958-2016)


In the case of rosie, she did capture the rosie laugh quite well thus why she got the part and is a decent actress. I do agree the parts for the film were well casted


Yes, Rosie got the Betty part mainly for the "Betty-laugh," but they could have found a hundred people with a similar laugh in Hollywood. Or let O'Donnell dub the laugh for an actress who looked even more like cartoon Betty. She must have called in a favour to play Betty.

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