How violent is it?

On a scale of 1 to 10?

I don't look for trouble Trouble finds me.


I'd say about a 7 or 8, it has characters gutted, decapitated, torn in half, or bleeding to death.


9. It's an animated splatter movie with cats! And yes, I'm serious.

"Am I the only one who sees the giant monkey!?"


Let me describe one scene for you, and you can judge yourself. Don't worry, this won't spoil anything but the scene, but I'll put a warning around it anywhere in case you don't want to spoil the scene - it IS more shocking if you're not understanding it, but still, won't spoil the story any.

Francis stands in a sea of cat corpses. A giant mad scientist raises them all on puppet strings, smiling manically as they fall apart and their entrails fall out.

The whole film isn't graphic throughout, but certain films are very graphic. Also don't get your hopes up, the sex scene is very brief xD

Temaru ch3 p7
Blindness befall all who behold the dragon For its beauty is that of divine elegance


K, thanks.

4Kids-Ruining anime since 1998.
