
i was really interested in seeing this movie until i read on one of the user comments that there is a lot of sexual stuff involving cats. can anyone please tell me if this is true, because if it is then it kind of grosses me out and i don't think i want to see it. any comments would be appreciated!


Well, there is one scene where the two cats mate, but that's just about it. Other than that, there is a bit of violence here and there.

Formerly Uglyone's 7 & 10.


I haven't seen it yet (darn you,picky United States) but I do know there's a mating scene in it and a whole lot of violence.



The mating scene isn't pornographic or something like that, watching the movie shouldn't be a problem for you.

But you better don't read the book. If things like that gross you.....well, reading this scene will make you vomit ;-)

Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism.


The scene isn't in the least bit graphic. It's not like seeing a porno film or anything, it's tastefully done in that respect, and it lasts all of ten seconds, if that. Other than that, as people have said, it's mostly violence and gore, but at the end of the day it's animated, it's not going to be all that bad.

The most predictable thing about the bush is that the bush is unpredictable


Dunno about that. I found the experiment scene utterly mortifying. That was the worst scene for me, just barely watchable...>_> *shudder*


Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that scene actually. Yeah, the experiment scene is pretty heavy. Totally eclipses everything else.

The most predictable thing about the bush is that the bush is unpredictable


gore is okay with you, but sex is gross.



I haven't seen the mating scene and I'm okay with some violence but the dream sequence made me horrified more than the deaths in Se7en or Silence of the lambs.
i guess it's because I'm a cat-lover and the cats in Felidae are quite naturally portrayed.
Also it is clearly made to be ugly and horrifying so if you see how surreal (or unreal) it is you can find it watchable. It still made me shocked.

"But they knew they f**ed up." James Rolfe as AVGN


I've just seen this movie and let me tell you, the mating scene is very tame compared to pornography and hentai. The violence, on the other hand, is very graphic and gritty. The worst part for me was the experiments scene. Behind that was the nightmare with the cat puppets. I'm a fan of horror movies and seen all kinds of gore, so I'm used to it. However, if you can't stomach gore, then I recommend to not watch it.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger

