Engaging till the near end
This is a good alternative history movie. This is a What If? One with Germany winning the war due to certain changes causing US to not take more active part and a 20y future where there's still a war with Soviet Union and a tired Germany wanting to court the US to end the war.
Interspersed is political intrigue, murders and spy work and investigation to cover up past war horrors.
The acting is top notch adequate for a low budget movie and is definitely engaging. It does draw you in but the end resolution is very much a let down.
Spoilers below :
So at the end the brainwashed 10yr old kid calls the Gestapo on his SS Major dad which is a bit odd. The SS were also pretty powerful on their own. They have a conflict power struggle with Gestapo some of whom would have been 15 to 20y old kids in 1945 and 35 to 40y old in 1964 or much younger. But they seem more than willing to just obey and do nefarious things.
I can buy the kid going rogue but the SS major did not axt believably at the end.
Then the even bigger miss was the reporter Charlie who sneaks to the press area with documents exposing the holocaust and manages to jump to American security and stop the Sr. Kennedy motorcade and hand documents to basically the President.
This was utterly silly honestly. The Pres see it in the car and just runs off. In reality they would've diplomatically handled it by continuing on and removing the promises of help to Germany.
More believable would have been to have her make it to the US Embassy and hand it off.
Also there's no way people won't ques not talking to the relocated Jews to Russian borders in 20y or the US intelligence not knowing their plight.
The US would have already known about the holocaust and horrors and ignored it and Kennedy wouldn't have run off.
More real would be like the SS colonel acquiescence to Gestapo top guy with US and Germany. The Major and Reporter would be left shell shocked that US knew and ignored it in interest of world peace. Or that all these countries are clean.
Still the alt history stories are amazing.