Wow, an astounding movie - time for a big budget remake?
(A bit of spoiler here, but I didn’t start it huh)
I can’t believe this movie was made so long ago, it’s totally ageless! Does anyone need any more proof that WW2 was the seminal conflict of the modern age – every plot, conspiracy, fact, theory, every piece of trivia is riveting (is it any accident that books or movies which include the dreaded swastika on the cover immediately sell a million more copies?) this movie is no exception.
It has a totally believable scenario: a collapse at Omaha beach may well indeed have focused the Panzers to mop up the others, left Eisenhower to resign (in real life he had already drafted the letter on the eve of D-Day) and the Americans to pull back Stateside; the plucky Brits, pretty much spent after Dunkirk and the Blitz could have folded after a steady diet of bangers and mash, Churchill banished to Canada to a dismal exile (well not that dismal, he may have moved to Vancouver) and the rest of the Empire to wander around leaderless, pretty much the way they did after 1947 anyways, particularly in the antipodes.
Now Germany could probably not have sustained a long term domination (factors like population and Gross National Product would have precluded such an eventuality, in spite of their genius for organizational structuring) but they certainly could have attained the stage they were at in this movie, with an aging Fuhrer attempting to inveigle some kind of a détente with the US, even permitting a modicum of Beatlemania (as someone suggested earlier, like totalitarian China today) especially since the Fab Four had such an evident affinity with the war battered Hamburg in real life.
The final culmination, the revelation of the terrible secret of the Holocaust, was handled convincingly within the context of the movie, echoing somehow the real life unwillingness of so much of the world to face those awful facts, not to mention the outright denial of a few. Heavy as this topic is, I do hope it was not the reason Nichols failed to get funding for his original feature. Since the date of this movie there have been many other dealings with the topic, Schindler’s List etc. and the world should never shrink from dealing with its reality.