Ludacrious story

1.Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr , why exactly was he president irregardless of war he was way too old as opposed to his son.
2.The German's at that time with no resistance and Nuclear Weapon's, would off finished the War with Russia
3.Joseph P. Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer, anti-Semite IRL, how would some document's given to him by a soon to be dead SS Policeman and soon to be dead Reporter be off any consequence.
4.The Hitler 'sieg Heil# part toward's the end, it's starting to turn into a musical number.
5.So what if the US find's out the truth behind the Concentration camp's, at this point the US is beat, Nazi Germania is dominant and neither a beleaguered Russia or US are a threat to it's existence, yes it's bad PR but fundamentally it wouldn't change the status quo.


The premise still makes the movie intriguing. You are right though, they could have gone about it in a better way. I loved the movie mainly because WWII and Nazi Germany interests me.


1.Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr , why exactly was he president irregardless of war he was way too old as opposed to his son.

He would have been 76 in 1964. Reagan was elected at the age of almost 70, and was 78 at the end of his second term. So, not out of the realm of possibility.

In this alternate timeline, there is no need to believe that JFK would be the next in line, either: Joe Kennedy, Jr. would be alive and logical successor.

2.The German's at that time with no resistance and Nuclear Weapon's, would off finished the War with Russia

Kinda like the Americans in Viet Nam? You didn't pick up on that analogy?

3.Joseph P. Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer, anti-Semite IRL, how would some document's given to him by a soon to be dead SS Policeman and soon to be dead
Reporter be off any consequence.

Just more proof, combined with the Holocaust proof, would be a political disaster.

5.So what if the US find's out the truth behind the Concentration camp's, at this point the US is beat, Nazi Germania is dominant and neither a beleaguered Russia or US are a threat to it's existence, yes it's bad PR but fundamentally it wouldn't change the status quo.

It will un-elect a man who wants to cosy up to Hitler. Not exactly the end, but as Churchill said, maybe the beginning of the end.


Read the book. It is amazing. The movie was fun...but boiled the book down way too much.


6. The Point of Departure (as portrayed in the movie) is highly dubious to say the least: The idea that the US would totally bail out of the war just because Overlord failed is ridiculous. Remember, in the Civil War, the US went through three or four supreme commanders before Lincoln settled on Grant. Same thing here. The Allies would have been knocked back on their heels for a year or so before invading the Riviera (or Yugoslavia)--VE Day would happen in '48 or '49. Perhaps earlier if we nuke Berlin.

Besides the Allies had the overwhelming superiority in war production by June 1944 while, OTOH, the German physical plant had major vulnerabilities which the Allies were just then beginning to exploit.

Also, I should remind you that by June 1944 the Red Army was more than half way on its journey from Stalingrad to Berlin.

Just my $0.02 worth.

There's a difference between being frank... and being dick.


absolutely! the Red Army was an unstoppable force by June, 1944. actually even earlier.
all of western Europe would have been occupied if the U.S. and Britain failed to get a foothold in western Europe. and everyone always forgets that there was already a 2nd front in Italy.


The silly thing about this story is that the author could have fixed these issue by just changing the back story to America not intervening in the war in Europe at all. It would have been far more believable under this scenario that things could have panned out this way. It could also have led to the US not knowing about the holocaust.


Great Point!!!!


yes! i wonder why Harris chose this back story. it's so unbelievable. weakens the novel.


The other plot holes in this story are the fact that if the Nazis had successfully repelled the Normandy invasion in 1944 and turned Britain into a Nazi state with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor on the throne, and driven the Soviets all the way back to the Urals, the Nazis would have ended up killing far more the 6 million Jews. Moreover, the Holocaust was not exactly a secret. The Polish Government in Exile had sent detailed reports of the mass murder of Jews as early as 1942. These reports were published in the Allied and neutral countries, and certainly millions of Europeans in Axis occupied countries knew.

Even if the D Day invasion had turned into a debacle, it's hard to see Nazi Germany winning the war. The Allies had already landed in Europe (Rome was liberated the day before D-Day) and in August, 1944 there was a second Allied landing in southern France, which advanced northward much more rapidly the the Normandy landings. The Nazis did develop some weapons that were very advanced for the time (the V-1 and V-2 rockets, as well as the first jet aircraft) but they were hopelessly outclassed in terms of productivity (killing off much of your skilled labor force will do that).


