MovieChat Forums > Fatherland (1994) Discussion > The End of Nazi Germany.

The End of Nazi Germany.

Taking the ending of the movie into account, how do you think the end of the Reich came about? The voice over at the end makes it clear that the Third Reich no longer exists.


My guess is Kennedy would have shown the evidence of the Holocaust to the international community, and Nazi Germany would have become extremely isolated (even more than it was already). THe US and Kennedy would have been praised as heroes for exposing the Nazis, even though it was March and Charlie's efforts that made it so.

The new exposure of Nazi Germany may have fired up the Soviet resistance fighters as well.


Of course, it isn't plausible at all that the President of the United States would not have had access to information regarding the fate of the Jews prior to being given some relevant documents by March. Surely the CIA/NSA/whatever would have found out the facts long before March. Because the holocaust took place during WWII, and the book/movie takes place in 1964, the US government would have been aware of the fate of the Jews already for twenty years before the events in the book/movie. Therefore the "revelation" by March was certainly not a revelation at all. Because the US government had known about the holocaust for twenty years already, and had done nothing about it, it's impossible to expect the US government to suddenly do a U-turn on the issue.


Exactly. It's laughable that someone as pragmatic as Joe Kennedy would suddenly make a U-turn right on the walkway to meeting Hitler. Pure BS! If Kennedy had chosen one 'son-of-a-bitch' over the other one (Stalin), he would have stuck with him.


IMHO the Theird Reich was so evil that i disolved itself almost. Evenif Hitler won the war. That at least what I think would have happend if then won that is And in the end they say " witout USA support Hitlers empired crumbled" SOMEting... Good movie and Hitler didnt even come close to winning the war


My interpretation of the ending in the film (and the book) was that, the U.S. Administration were fully (or mostly) aware of the fate of the Jews in Europe by 1964. Moreover, it was inferred in the book (and I believe in real life) that, Joe Kennedy was a Nazi sympathiser so, would have been prepared to turn a 'blind-eye' to the Holocaust.

However, it was Charlie's (and March's) 'revelations' that were going to be reported openly in U.S. press publications that was going to pressure the U.S. into not forming diplomatic relations with the Nazi Germany of 1964.

Thus, in time with the latters restricted isolation and, together with the ongoing and unwinnable 'guerrilla' war against the Russians in the East, the Nazi empire would have probably imploded from within. However, I personally feel the time scale would have been more protracted than left-wing idealists would predict, due primarily to the self-discipline of the Germanic race and their technological influence (Rockets and Aerospace; Nuclear; Electrical and Engineering), that existed at that time.

Another theoretial scenario - what if the Nazi Germany of 1964 had themselves successfully developed the Neutron Bomb? - they could have used this with impunity on Russia to assist in finishing their war in the east....

Of course, this is all idle speculation and debate.


I agree with Christopher. Kennedy was aware of the situation, and in the book they have memorandums stating as much.

I believe that they mention in the book that they dare not use nukes on the Soviets because they were afraid the rest of the world would retaliate. Much the same as the USSR in the real history.



The book offered a two-fold idea.

One: the voices about holocaust were known even during real wartime - and would grew louder in this ucronian scenario.
But those are voices: propaganda. A Jew complot theory.
Would the good and brave germans did that? C'mon, do you belive that they killed millions of people? It's impossible.
Could Unites States not trying for peace just for some fantastic tales?

When the official paper get out, the thing got a different way.
No US politician would trade with "those assassins", after the release of the papers.

Two: the nazi empire was collapsing inside. they are too rich, too comfortable. Youngs are bored with discipline, young womans didn't want to be Kinder, Kirche und Kuche (babies, church and kitchen) as party imposed.
There is a sort of "beatnik revolution" in sight.
The war in the "ost" was expensive, the occupation of the "living space" didn't work, so the economy wasn't that good. So the Nazi need to trade with the US and stop the war.
No trade, no money, no work = unrest.

Mix the two: Ka-boom.


Locomotival's (shorten that and make it 'loco') command of the English language -his spelling, grammar, etc. are as brilliant as his sickeningly stupid and incorrect political views. Yeah, there are still some idiots who, in spite of vivid proof to the contrary still deny the Holocaust. Tell this cretin (he will have to look that word up) that we live in the United States, not the Unites States. He should sit in a corner with his dunce cap, and say 'spell check' over and over.


Don't be such a putz. He's offering the books ideas, not his own AND I get the feeling that English isn't his first language. How many languages do you know?


actually he came too close



How plausible is it that the reporting of war crimes would cause the collapse of a regime? It didn't in the Soviet Union, Communist China, or for that matter the USA. Everyone knows some 75 million people were killed by the Soviets, 60 million by Mao and some 5 million by Pol Pot (out of a much smaller population). A mere 4 million Jews is nothing, a mere footnote of history, by comparison.


The Third Reich was essentially a personality cult so I would suggest that it would have been unlikely to survive in the same form after Hitler's death anyway.
