The thing I found most eye-catching about the voting results for Exotica on imdb is the huge differential between the male (7.0) and female (6.0) ratings. I`m just curious as to why that would be.
Out of curiosity about the movie,(my all-time favourite), I was going through some old issues of the Ottawa Citizen at my library from when it came out. Shortly after the paper`s movie reviewer had named it the best movie of 1994, a female writer wrote a column completely trashing the film. She uses terms like "soullessness","cardboard characters", "patriarchal and primitive vision of sexuality", "permissive treatment of pedophilia", "exploitative use of women`s bodies" and most interestingly that it "makes no emotional connection with a female audience."
Personally, I feel many of those arguments are ridiculous; especially the part about exploiting women`s bodies. There`s actually very little nudity for a movie that takes place in a stripclub. But does this movie not click with women the way it does for some men? I'm just curious about anyone`s opinions on this.
I am a female and I thoroughly enjoyed this film. While I will not spend my time typing about the exploration of the plot, symbolism, etc... (that would take FOREVER), I do believe that the female characters of this film (Cristina and Zoe) are powerful women in the sense that they have control over their own emotions and sexuality, as opposed to the male characters (Francis and Eric) who seem consumed by their obsessions with Cristina; they end up acting hastily and irrationally when it comes to what they will do just to be with her.
this is the most retarded movies ever made the only reason why i watched it was i wanted to look at mia kirshner... she was hot in not another teen movies but i didnt even see any boobies.... what a waste of time!!!
I (female - 45+) really love this film and consider it among my Top 10 all-time favorites. I love the Leonard Cohen music, the Exotica and it's secrets, Mia K. and the rest of it. I did not find it offensive in any way and recommend it frequently.
I am a 31 year old female and I count the film as one of my favorites. I think that the original marketing of the film was terrible. I never had the desire to see it because to me it looked like another T&A flick about a middle aged man obsessed with someone half his age. A friend recommended it to me and I saw it was much different.
I am a 31 year old female and I count the film as one of my favorites. I think that the original marketing of the film was terrible. I never had the desire to see it because to me it looked like another T&A flick about a middle aged man obsessed with someone half his age. A friend recommended it to me and I saw it was much different.
You're right about the marketing. I remember seeing commercials for it on TV and there was a trailer for it on my old VHS tape of PULP FICTION. I had no interest in it until I saw THE SWEET HEREAFTER and because obsessed with Atom Egoyan.
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I'm a woman and I just watched it and didn't like it as much as I hoped I would. Found it rather pretentious, and, while I wouldn't say it was outright exploitative, it's definitely to me from a male point of view and the female characters are pretty one-dimensional. (Mia Kirshner does what she can with her character but there isn't much written there for her to work with.) And I do agree that it has a pretty permissive/eroticized view of pedophilia.
Also, I've seen one other of Atom's movies, Where the Truth Lies, and also found it creepy and rather sexist. I think Egoyan has some issues.
I think that single woman reviewer was not the average.. seems most women I've talked to thought it was a great flick, which made me keep an eye out for it.... I just finished watching the movie for the first time on CBC (ahh, good ol' free Canadian content), and have to say I loved it, but not because of the ample female skin shown in it.
The story goes deeper than I expected, and the strip club/nudity scenes were not gratuitous at all.. in fact, I can think of a LOT of hollywood blockbusters that have little to no plot, yet show way more nudity, and not in a way important to the story.
In short I think it was truly brilliant... if you're afraid of mature themes maybe avoid it, but there is WAY more to the story than sexuality.
In my opinion the women was overdramatizing, but I can understand why she'd say what she did. Men like it more because it's centered around a strip club, obv.
I'm a 27 year old woman (and totally straight btw) and I am one of those (apparently) few women who really enjoyed Exotica. I used to work in a Movie Store in '98 and '99 and I remember seeing 'Exotica' on the shelves in our 'Canadian' section, and even though I was a huge, huge fan of 'The Sweet Hereafter' and would have loved to have seen another Atom Egoyan film, I passed it by hundreds of times in my search for take-home rentals (which were always free for us employees - sigh, I miss those days!) because I assumed (falsely) judging by the VHS cover and the title, that it was going to be really racy and likely wouldn't be my cup of tea. Anyways, flash forward to a few years ago when I happened to be channel surfing and came across the movie on CBC Late Night, I hadn't known that both Bruce Greenwood and Sarah Polley were in the film (both of their characters were so great in 'Sweet Hereafter') so I decided after reading the description, 'Sure, why not?' and stuck around. Well, suffice it to say I found the film to be totally engaging, and loved how the story was told in a non-linear style similar to 'Sweet Hereafter' where you weren't sure how things were going to play out in the end. Bruce Greenwood's character was absolutely heartbreaking with his obsession and incapability of being able to get over the tragic events of his past. His storyline was definitely the saddest. And Elias Koteas was really great too as the jealous DJ who envies the strange bond Bruce's character has with Mia's character. The Club itself was really neat, asthetically...I really liked the artistic, almost gothic feel it had with all the plants and trees and how those female shaped windows/mirrors were everywhere. And of course, I love, love loved the offbeat yet somehow totally appropriate Leonard Cohen songs (especially 'Everybody Knows') that were featured in the film. Not the kind of music you'd expect to hear in your average Stripclub. But, of course, Exotica was no ordinary Stripclub. Even calling it that, sounds wrong. I'd say 'Gentleman's Club' which sounds a bit old fashioned and classier. Anyhoo, I didn't find the movie to be offensive in the slightest and given the setting of the film, I was actually surprised at the minimal amount of female nudity that was shown. I've since seen other Egoyan films such as 'Ararat', 'Where the Truth Lies' and 'Crash', but sadly I didn't really like those films at all... So, the only two in my collection of Atom Egoyan films are 'The Sweet Hereafter' and 'Exotica' - and even if he never makes another film that appeals to me, I'm still thrilled that I have those two in my collection. I graded 'Exotica' an 8/10 and 'Sweet Hereafter' gets a 9/10.