Flip Poster

I thought I was crazy for awhile because when I saw this in theaters, I saw a poster that had Mia Kirshner and the title flipped in red and blue like a playing card. But I happened to find it at a specialty store on clearance. Is this a rare poster and worth anything? I don't see it here at the good old IMDB either.


I have the same poster as you and from what I'm told as not worth anything significant.

Miramax Pictures commissioned it for its U.S. theatrical run in 1994

(The 'Miramax' logo is in the credits of the red + blue poster as opposed to the predominately blue silhouetted Canadian poster, which has solely the 'Alliance/Atlantis' marker of its Canadian distributor instead of having both logos)

I got the American poster because frankly...it was a tremendous poster.

And I have never seen the poster that appears on IMdB page for "Exotica"


I believe the imdb page "poster" is just the dvd/vhs cover. You can see the original poster at the wikipedia page here:


"Weirdness was all he cared about. Weirdness and sex and plenty to drink."


Thanks for that. Movie posters are generally different from DVD/VHS covers, which have a smaller surface and tend to be more simplistic.

I honestly can't say either poster does this film justice, though. The video cover makes this look like a sex film, and the movie poster looks like "Sliding Doors" (which came later but was more effective, in my opinion):

But I'm at a loss for describing the type of image that would work. It would have to be more abstract than those two, though.
