MovieChat Forums > Exotica (1995) Discussion > Is this the most known Egoyan film???

Is this the most known Egoyan film???

I mean... 4,827 votes... and most of his films don't have 300 votes and they are way better than this one!!

If you enjoy Egoyan work, I recommend The Adjuster, Where the truth lies, Calendar and Next of kin to you!!


I think it's the most known of his work. It's my favorite.

The Sweet Hereafter is also well known, but I think more people have seen Exotica.

"Nice beaver!"
"Thanks, I just had it stuffed."
--The Naked Gun


I think the Sweet Hereafter is his most well known work. At present it has 10,193 votes. I think the fact that it was nominated for an oscar as well as the fact that it stars Sarah Polley and Ian Holm are the reasons it's so well known.


Yeah, I'd say The Sweet Hereafter is probably Egoyan's best-known or most widely-seen film because it got him an Oscar nomination as Best Director and features Sarah Polley and Ian Holm in its cast. It is an excellent movie, though Exotica is my personal favourite of all his work.


I'll tell you this much... it's the first Egoyan film I saw, IN THE THEATER, no less, and in the US, not Canada. That's saying something. ;) Yes, I was initially sucked in by the erotic aspect, but very quickly learned I was getting much, much more than I bargained for.

Admittedly, SWEET HEREAFTER and WHERE THE TRUTH LIES (arguably the 2 next-best known) didn't exist yet, but I would venture that EXOTICA put Egoyan on the US and the world's film radar... even though he'd been making films for years! (I wonder if he thought a sexier angle would draw more attention than his previous films did, or if he just had a better agent or publicist? Either way, something worked.)

I've seen about 6 Egoyan films, and have found them all good, though some better than others. I actually consider THE ADJUSTER his second-best work, even though virtually nobody has seen it! In many ways, the gradual revelation of the character mysteries is very similar to those in EXOTICA. Plus it's got all the best Canadian actors (and Egoyan regulars) giving uniformly strong performances!

I should warn, though, the Egoyan style is not for everybody, and people who rag on EXOTICA at this board will hate THE ADJUSTER even more... as for me, I think it's brilliant.

THE SWEET HEREAFTER is incredibly moving as well, but more of a "straightforward" movie-- at least as straightforward as Egoyan allows himself to be. Heh.

The war is not meant to be won... it is meant to be continuous.


"Chloe" is more straightforward than "The Sweet Hereafter" in my opinion.

The first Atom Egoyan film I saw was "Ararat" and that is a VERY good film. I then saw "Where the Truth Lies", "Chloe", "The Sweet Hereafter", and now "Exotica". All of them proof that Egoyan is the best film maker in Canada.


CHLOE is probably Egoyan's MOST straightforward film-- but I hadn't seen it yet when I made the previous post. :)

But c'mon, that ending! Really? (Sorry, just had to vent.)

The war is not meant to be won... it is meant to be continuous.


The ending was too rushed, I agree. I think it's most likely due to the fact that they were probably scrambling to finish the film after tragedy struck Liam Neeson. That, or the script just needed to be re-written.

Anyway just because it's his most straightforward film doesn't mean it's his best. I'd say Exotica, Sweet Hereafter, and Ararat are my favourite Atom Egoyan films. Exotica is one of the few times where I went out and bought the soundtrack, it was just that hypnotizing and well done. The Adjuster's better than Chloe, but Where the The Truth Lies is better than both those films. Haven't seen "Felicia's Journey (though I know what happens), or "Adoration" (heard it's his worst) but I'm eagerly looking forward to "Devil's Knot".


Sweet Hereafter is better known, it won a few awards at Canne and was nominated for a few Oscars.

Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion
