MovieChat Forums > Exotica (1995) Discussion > Sountrack question/Useful sites?

Sountrack question/Useful sites?

Hey there, just have a quick question regarding the soundtrack.

I haven't seen the film in ages so bear with me if my question is vague, but one of the most haunting songs/tunes for me to come out of the movie, was the piece that the babysitter plays on the piano. It's so simple but effective. I've got heard a few tracks from the OST (by various means), but this is a question for those of you that do have the whole thing, what is THAT track?

Originally thought it was "The Ride Home" but that isn't quite it. That does have an interesting piano piece AND that violin throughout it, but just wondering if anyone knows.

By the way 666Night999, you seem to know EVERYTHING about this movie!! Keep up the good work, i've enjoyed your interpretations. Where did you get the screenplay script that I've noticed you've been referencing?

Final question: Websites! Anywhere I can listen to the soundtrack online, anywhere where I can get hold of the script? Any good websites related to the movie?

Thank you


The soundtrack question, I'll have to get back to you on that.

The screenplay question, at the time I bought it at a used bookstore. You might be able to find one there, or check or Ebay. I would think the screenplay would be easy to find, though it might be out of print and not reissued anymore.

There is no night as deep as this
Inevitable mind's abyss
Where I now dwell with foes alone


The screenplay is here:

How are 'ya ??
- Bobby Bittman.


I want to know what song Francis' daughter was playing on the piano in that end sequence. He's got the video camera trained on her, he says 'Play something happy', then as he goes to answer the doorbell she begins playing. And those first few notes sound remarkably like (forgive me, I'm a Trekkie) that infamous song Cpt. Picard played in the Star Trek TNG episode 'The Inner Light', and also a later episode. I mean, I know it's not the same song, it's very different after the first few notes, and it's obviously some real piece of classical music. But the short Star Trek piece has haunted me since I was a little girl, so I can't help but wonder what this music is.

I've just read that Picard's song was composed for the episode by Jay Chattaway, and that it has similarities to a Scottish tune 'Skye Boat Song', also known as 'Speed Bonny Boat'. I wonder, is that what she's playing? Anyone know for sure? 666Night, you still around?


I haven't seen the film in ages so bear with me if my question is vague, but one of the most haunting songs/tunes for me to come out of the movie, was the piece that the babysitter plays on the piano. It's so simple but effective. I've got heard a few tracks from the OST (by various means), but this is a question for those of you that do have the whole thing, what is THAT track?

Originally thought it was "The Ride Home" but that isn't quite it. That does have an interesting piano piece AND that violin throughout it, but just wondering if anyone knows.
Quoting an old post, but what the hell...

The track you're thinking of is "My Angel" and as composer Mychael Danna mentioned in the film's commentary, the segment in the film actually weaves between the actual score and Polley's character's flute playing with the piano accompaniment.

The track is actually a combination of the film's main theme "Something Hidden" (which is played on a shehnai) and parts of the field theme (both of which come together again in "The Ride Home").
