MovieChat Forums > Exotica (1995) Discussion > This film is like a song

This film is like a song

One of the things that I like most about this film is the structure, which is like a fantastically-written song based around a repeated verse and chorus but with added nuances each time they were sung.

I just wanted to say that.


That's an interesting parallel. I, too, find similarities in structure across different forms of art and it's nice to know that someone else sees things that way.


wow, is one of my most favorite films, and the soundtrack as well. I can watch the film as a song also....great comment.

You should check out the film "Center of the World". Great film and soundtrack. Similar mood and theme if you have not seen it already.

"He will bring them DEATH and they will love him for it...."


ta muchly. I will check that one out.




I assume that's the "Center of the World" s/he referred to. I can't say I appreciated that film quite as much, but it does bear some similarities to "Exotica."



Indeed. I think "Center of the World" had some of the worse qualities of indies – and I generally love indies. I think it's a mistake to lump "Exotica" in with strip-club films (especially, heaven forbid, "Striptease") because this is ultimately not a film about stripping or even sex. That's what makes it so amazing.



I would prefer to endure "Showgirls" one more time, though truth be told I've already sat through it three or four times. It's just so fascinatingly bad, while "Striptease" is just plain dull. It's sad how Hollywood's view of what constitutes erotica is so far removed from my limited perception of the subject.

And you?



I need to watch "Angel Heart" again one of these days. I haven't seen that for decades.

I found Atom Egoyan's "The Adjuster" very erotic, and even David Cronenberg's "Crash" had some undeniably sexy moments. Not that I'm a car-crash fetishist. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Or maybe there is. It's all so confusing.



I guess it's possible there are people who actually get aroused by car crashes, but it's probably just one of their many kinks. Or maybe it's a Canadian thing.

I think "The Adjuster" is probably Egoyan's most impenetrable film (so to speak), but I found the sexuality of Elias Koteas' character as well as the film censor most curious.

