It brings tears to my eyes every time i watch that scene....:-)
shareIt brings tears to my eyes every time i watch that scene....:-)
shareYes! That was perhaps the funniest scene in the film. Pull the string!, Pull the string !! with stampeeding buffalo stock footage. That scene brings me to tears from laughter. Martin Landau's Bela Lugosi is one of the all-time great performances. So funny and also very touching, the relationship between Ed Wood and Bela is priceless.
shareHaha that was one of the funniest scenes in this movie.
shareCould you explain to me why that was funny? I just didn't get it.
Relax! - www.bryanel.com
Its all part of the ridiculous nature of Ed Wood's films. Bela Lugosi is playing the "puppet master" in a film about a transvestite. He says these lines with stock footage of stampeeding buffalo in the background. Its just so absurdly terrible, its actually hilarious to some.
It all depends on what makes you laugh. This type of humour doesn't appeal to everyone.
I found the whole movie absurd. bad acting does not intrigue me.
Who knows.. maybe one can appriciate it better when seeing movies by Ed Wood first?
I personally never heard of him before seeing this movie.
So great.. now we have a movie about the worst movie director ever.
how original.
Relax! - www.bryanel.com
Actually it was one of the most original films of the decade. Bad-acting? See Martin Landau's Oscar for best supporting actor, 1995. Many thought it was one of the finest performances of the decade. Oscar for Best Makeup as well.
You might not find it funny, but it was certainly a very original effort, with a brilliant cast. Tim Burton's best work IMO.
It is very original, despite your condescension. Ed Wood's movie are not great, that's for sure. But he is a hero to many young filmmakers, and rightfully so! On shoestring budgets, with no proper actors, technicians, or support really of any kind, the guy STILL managed to get his movies made! You think that's easy? Please, go ahead and try! And I don't mean some lame YouTube mashup, I mean real 35mm film that can be shown in movie theaters. It is a real testament to the man that he could get these films completed and up on the screen. Obviously, Tim Burton was inspired, among others!
Many people who knew him have said he was not naive or untalented as this film portrays him. But he knew what his budget was, and that even if 'Lobo' crashed into the door, shaking the entire soundstage, there simply wasn't enough money to re-shoot the scene. So he took what he could get and made the best of it.
I can sure appreciate the effort Ed Wood put into making his movies. And the ambition he had to see it through is admirable indeed.
Yet it doesn't necessarily make this movie any more entertaining for me to watch.
But who knows, one of these days I may give this movie another chance and try to view it in a different way.
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get the f out of here
If you don't like a movie don't come to it's board and nag about it
your taste in movie sucks big time.get the hell out
Ehm.. I think I'm entitled to be here and share my honest opinion just as much as you are.
I'm sorry if you can't handle that.
Christ.. Why do people always take it so personal when somebody dislikes their "favorite" movie? You didn't make it did you?
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Lol i was wearing a brand new shirt a few months back when my girlfriend noticed a loose thread. When she said "do you want me to pull it out?" I said "YES!!! PULL DA STRING!!!... PULL DA STRING!!!!"... She didnt get it.. :( but i personally found it funny :P
This message was done in the best possible of taste :) x 24/7
Do you insult everyone who doesn't share your own "perfect" opinion? What if I like eating Oysters and you don't. Would that make you a moron?
I'm sorry if I hurt your precious feelings by sharing my honest opinion about a movie you like.
But only morons call people morons for not sharing the same opinion about something.
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