MovieChat Forums > Ed Wood (1994) Discussion > Lisa Marie at Bella's funeral

Lisa Marie at Bella's funeral

The Bela funeral scene must be a homage to Jacques Tati

Maybe there is a previous post on the same topic but...I'm a bit lazy

At Bela's funeral Lisa Marie's character wears the same hat worn by Dominique Marie's character in Mon Oncle (except DM's hat has no veil)

Such synchronicity...the mind boggles


His funeral is crap in this movie- in reality, loads of people were there. I love this film, but I have a lot of issues with it now I've found out what Lugosi's life actually was like.

"Of course it's me, who were you expecting?"


Yeah, but I betcha that this movie is the reason you got interested in Bela in the first place.


Was I the only one who was surprised, pleasantly so, that Vampira showed up for Bela's funeral? I really didn't expect her to, I don't know why.


"His funeral is crap in this movie- in reality, loads of people were there. I love this film, but I have a lot of issues with it now I've found out what Lugosi's life actually was like."

Yeah. Before I watched the movie I read somewhere that Vincent Price and Peter Lorre appeared in Lugosi's funeral with Price even making a joke that they should put a stake on Lugosi just to make sure he was dead (since Lugosi was wearing his Dracula outfit).

Then I watched the funeral scene in the movie and I got quite surprised how they portrayed that no one in Hollywood cared for Lugosi's death except Ed and his friends. I guess it was either lack of budget or they were just still going in the overdramatization route in that point.


Most of Belas lasts days and death are part truth part Urban Legend. One source says that Price and Lorre were not at the funeral. He was not reading a script when he died. Frank Sinatra paid for part of the funeral, Bob Hope gave money also Etc. I doubt we will know really the actual facts trivial as they might seem. But for certain he was not buried near any oil pumping fields but at Holy Cross cemetery in Culver City and it opened in 1939.

Looks Like Burton filmed the burial on La Tierja Blvd, the road that takes over from La Cienega Blvd Los Angeles that takes you to LAX. They have a lot of pumps you can see on the way, though it might be some other spot or a studio mockup.


The thing that bothers me about that scene is why Bunny isn't there.


Right? It kills me. After watching Gods and Monsters I wonder how wonderful if we had matured watching Frankenstein on the big screen, had gone over to James Whales home if only to knock on his door and tell him that whatever knife Universal stuck in his back, we had not forgotten him and that if he wanted company we could take turns visiting him. It may not have delayed the onset of senility or whatever cause him to end up in the pool and lets discounts the murder conspiracy's, it might have lifted his spirits regardless.

I think Brendan Frasier in one of his greatest roles and ergo my complete confusion as too why he is now relegated to second rate action films, thru his interactions in Whale telling him about his life as a young gay soldier in WW1, that man he loved who died and the cesspool of Hollywood discarding him like garbage event though he brought so much money into their tills, we got a sense of the man. I was crying and blubbering at the end.

Bela was a great and respected stage actor and political activist in Hungary. I think it was coming to the United States that put him on the path to destruction. Albeit it was better then getting a knife in the back from the communist party he spoke out against.

My family is Austro-Hungarian. It blows my mind that his hometown Lugoj is now within the boundaries of Romania as per all the whacky border shuffle treaties going on in those days.

Whats funny here Steven is that your name Ackerman is almost akin to my family name Bergman. Yours meaning a man of the field/acre meaning maybe great great great grandfather was a farmer and where my family resided was within a mountain range most likely and mine meaning a mountain. Both good German names. We only took surnames during the Austro-Hungarian Empire by decree of Government in the 1700s. Before that we were son of son of son of son, etc.

Guten Voch

