the end?
What happened at th end? I did not quite get it. Did she leave him? What was the note?
Any thoughts?
What happened at th end? I did not quite get it. Did she leave him? What was the note?
Any thoughts?
No one has seen this movie, eh? Or want to comment on it?
I just was curious what people thought about the end. hopefully, i won't need to reply to myself again.
I had recorded the movie on IFC and just got around to watching it this morning.
Personally, I got the feeling she drowned herself. I think she wanted to off herself, but didn't want to be alone when it happened. I could be wrong, but if I've learned anything from French cinema, it's that they have no problem with killing people off in the end for what seems like no reason (My Life To Live, for example).
"Action is how men express romance on film." -- Kurt Wimmershare
Thanks for the reply.
I had wondered the same thing myself. He woke up after they had been together, and he found the note, and didnt he find her clothes still on the ground?
I concluded that maybe she had drowned hereself, but I didn't want to jump to any conclusions until I heard someone else's opinion.
I am not familiar with french cinema, so thanks for the input.
She killed herself. The note was empty from what I can tell which is why it ended so quickly after he unfolded the note...
Of course, this is only what I gathered. I could be wrong.
I thought she drowned herself too, because her clothes were still on the ground. I didnt see the begining, but that might explain the title
shareShe obviously killed herself since 5 seconds earlier she had sex with him, you know a going away present.
shareYes, she killed herself. I quote from a review made by Michael Koresky for Reverse Shot:
"These beautiful losers 'Christine and Gilles) may recall those in The Devil Probably, Bresson’s 1977 ode to political desperation and youthful nihilism enacted by a cast of pretty, blank-slate immaculates. In a 1999 Film Comment piece on that film, Assayas deems it a reflection of his true emerging awareness at this time of social distress (...) The blank suicide note that ends Cold Water may recall the unfinished final sentence of Charles in The Devil Probably: “Shall I tell you what...” he begins, but is interrupted by a gunshot from behind. Likewise, Christine would like to tell Gilles what she believes, but she cannot articulate it." (cf. the empty note).
DVD Times add that "(They) decide to find a way to escape from their parents and the lives they are being forced to lead, but Christine is not convinced that Gilles is strong enough to give her the support and help she needs."
Strange film.
shareI don't agree with the statement "Christine is not convinced that Gilles is strong enough to give her the support and help she needs".
I think she was planning to off herself anyways, and didn't want to die alone so she asks him to come with her. She wants a final moment of human connection before she departs.
I agree with you, that quoted statement is definitely wrong. I don't know whether she purposefully planned to kill herself though, or she just realized that she had no future. She probably did plan it, at least subconsciously.
shareI don't think they had sex. Gilles was still clothed when he woke up alone.
Do we see her clothes again at the end?
She didn't kill herself. She just left on her own, and the commune probably didn't exist. No idea where she would end up.
shareYes. She left him. The note was just blank paper, but served as acknowledgement that leaving Gilles was a conscious act.
I wonder if the commune existed, or was it just a reason she could use to leave.