Not as I remembered (spoliers)
I first saw this movie years ago, on cable the first year after it came out. I have always remembered it as one of my favorite movies and this movie is the reason I have followed James Spader movies since. What is strange though, is I always thought his wife was the evil one and a bad girl, which she was. After watching it again for the first time since then it seems strange. I almost thought that maybe she was a cold blooded woman, but she was trying to reform her ways with him. Maybe she was so good she set the whole scene up, but to wait two kids and almost seven years to make a big move, does not seem likely. It seemd like she was trying to be better (some old habits die hard) and wanted to be in love with a normal lif, becasue she said she never thought she could have anormal life. It was only after she got comfportable that he got suspicious and she just seemed to snap becasue she realized he would never fuly trust her so she got him. I seriously thought she would not have harmed him if he would have trusted her, which was, of course, impossible for him to do. Also, she had a contraceptive device that she used when she apparently was sleeping around. However, he questoned if the kids were his, and she obviuusly was taking steps to ensure, that even if she were having an affair, she would not become pregnanat by her lover. Her whole ugly side just exploded when he asked if the kids were his. The movie is so twisted and crazy it is absolutely great. -