Just now saw Crooklyn for the first time. Had always heard it was awesome, but never got around to it. Heart-wrenching...the actress playing Troy was amazing; and of course, Mrs. Woodard and Mr. Lindo way pulled their weight as the leads. Started watching for Woodard, continued watching for the awesome story and the nostalgia. Spike Lee and I are about same age, so @ times, the soundtrack made me cry! And when Alfie's character dies...fuggettabouttit! Anyone know if the eldest son is meant to be Spike (figuartively or literally)? I'm a white chick living in the south whose never seen Brooklyn, but I saw a LOT of parrellels in the movie to my own childhood. Always knew Spike was a genius - gonna check and see if this gem was nominated for any Oscars (SHOULD have been, but guessing was not; knowing Hollywood).

Gandalf: "Do not be eager to deal out death and judgement. Even the Wise cannot see all ends".
