MovieChat Forums > The Client (1994) Discussion > I've only just read the book and was won...

I've only just read the book and was wondering ...

I finished reading the book just now and was completely fascinated by it right from the start to finish. I knew this book had been converted into a movie, but have still not seen it, though it has come several times on TV ( I had promised myself that I would first read the book and only, then watch the movie. But now I fear it's never coming back on TV). As I was reading the book, I kept imagining how the movie would be, how much would they cut, who would star in it etc. etc.After having completed half of the book, I realised that so much has happened and it seems impossible to cut all these scenes, and that this movie would easily run 2 hours by the first half only. But curiosity overpowered my will-power and I checked the movie out on IMDB. I was shocked when I saw this movie was just for 2 hours.
So, this is for the people who've seen the film and read the book. Could you tell me what portions have been edited during the adaptation and what are the other changes in the film ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks !



Yes, you definitely have. Thank you.


(spoiler) Maybe the bugged restaurant scene was longer in the book, but it was definitely there in the movie, at least in the DVD. Its the one where uncle Johnny authorizes the Blade to kill everyone.


even i've read the book recently and i wish to see the movie. but seeing the movies based on hary potter disappoint me. they've cut half the book. pls tell me how this movie was and if they cut too much. if they've only cut the salt shakers part and shortened the jail part then its not too much. this is one of the greatest books. john grisham is a genius.


I haven't read the book but I could swear I've seen that salt shakers stuff in the movie when Barry Muldano is talking with his uncle.


This is probably the only Grisham movie that sticks close to the book. I hated the adaptation of "A Time to Kill" and "The Runaway Jury." "The Rainmaker" was okay but it swayed from the book a little too much for a compliment. I never liked "The Chamber" in the first place so I didn't mind being disappointed there.
The ominous "they" stuck to the book fairly well in this case. My predicessor pointed out most of the things they left out (except the thing with the bugs in the restaurant was in the movie, it was just shortened). Rev. Roy's character was made a little more intelligent and the roles of his possey was somewhat deminished. Obviously they imbellished his character and Reggie's to feed the actors' egos a little bit. Mark doesn't get much attention to present the details of his background the book was so intent on presenting--this was a mistake because without knowing the life he lived and the role he was forced to play as an eleven-year-old boy, Mark looks like kind of a brat. But what are they going to do? Have flashback scenes? Also the scene in the boathouse isn't as intense as it is in the book. The movie flirted with a little attraction between Reggie and Rev. Roy, of course, instead of the flirtations being between her and Truman. Roy's not married in the movie and Reggie's mother doesn't have as large of a role either.
Enjoy the movie--it really is pretty good despite Susanne Surandon. Sorry, I can't stand that woman. Tommy Lee Jones is great and Brad Renfro as Mark is absolutely amazing.

I never dreamed that any mere physical experience could be so stimulating!


I guess my biggest disappointment as far as what they cut out of the movie version was the part in the book where Reggie walks into the factory that had just fired Mark's mom and threatens them with a lwasuit. That whole part in the book is awesome and I think it would have been great to see on the screen.
Also the ending in the book is better, but I don't want to spoil anything for those who want to see it. Both the book and the movie are excellent and I recommend them to everyone.

Whaaaat... dooooeeees... theeeee... yeeeel-looowwww... liiiiight... meeeeaaan?
