MovieChat Forums > The Client (1994) Discussion > I had no idea this movie existed

I had no idea this movie existed

I knew that all of John Grisham's other stories- The Pelican Brief, The Firm, The Rainmaker, A Time to Kill, Runaway Jury, The Gingerbread Man- all made it to the big screen, but I had absolutely no idea that The Client was made into a movie, especially not knowing that it starred Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones, plus directed by Joel Schumaucher. I am currently reading Grisham's novel and had been imagining Jane Fonda in the role of Reggie.

Okay, so anyway, I am dumbfounded. Why is this movie not well-known, like all the other Grisham films?

It's 22 years later, and Norman Bates loves you mom.


What? This movie isn't well-known? LOL.


^^ yeah that LOL...Susan even got an Oscar nomination for her role in was popular at the time of it's release...
I was nothing more then an almost innocent bystander~Captain Jack Sparrow


I always heard about it as the exciting movie where they protect a kid as a witness and I remember some hype about it but it never inspired to see it. Usually there is a reason in my life I completely miss some movie everybody else knows. In this case I was overseas a few months of 1994.

I'm watching on tv right now. Not sure if I"m loving it. The jury is still out. I didn't realize it had a star-studded cast. Every scene is like, whoa, look there's somebody else stellar.



i read the book before the movie was made. the book is very good. i believe this movie to be rather close to the book.


What is The Gingerbread Man about? You sure it is a Grisham movie?


Ok nevermind I found it. I didn't know about that one.


Finally got around to watch the movie a good EIGHT YEARS after I made the initial post, haha.

Anyway, a pretty bland movie. Like the book, actually.

I made the OP when I was in high school, mind you, but looking back, it's really hilarious that I seem to have been familiar with all the Grisham adaptations except this one...


Well then, here's to bumping years-old threads.

I'm going to miss the IMDB message boards.
