Don’t forget “did your ‘girlfriend’ Caitlin in a dark restroom therefore sabotaging that relationship so you could possibly go back to the girl who really loves you, Veronica….”. Of course, Dante fucked that up too….
The old man was a legend, looking out for the little guy, and his not-so “little guy”. His only competition for hero would’ve been the long-hair hockey player who speared that one dude in the back. That dude was a d-bag, couldn’t wait until the ‘intermission’ of the game and then sent the ball sailing far away into a gutter and thus ending the game in the first period. Guys like that deserve a beating by Dave “Tiger” Williams or Tie Domi or something. That hockey player, a gentlemen who protected the integrity of a game of pickup hockey on a convenience store roof in the middle of a work shift…..bravo, and a Gatorade for all….cheers!