Wierd Question..

Billy Crystal is a huge Yankee fan. Why does he wear a Mets hat? Does anyone know? I know the question is really pointless but I just wondered. As Yankee fans, we are bred to hate the Red Sox and the Mets.

"Did ya ever have a touch to lose man?"


Thank you, I have always wondered that myself

"Life Is A Journey-Not A Guided Tour" ~ Anonymous


because his character is a mets fan?



but he does announce Mickey Mantle in the echo canyon scene - strange

maybe he wouldnt allow his yankees hat to get so dirty but felt good trashing his mets hat lol


It goes back to the first movie. Billy Crystal was rebuffed by the Yankees when he solicitied a donation to a charity, but the Mets donated instead. Soin return for their generosity he wore a Mets cap in the films as a Thank you. It is weird how he mentions in the first movie his best day of his whole life was when he saw his first first Yankees game as a child and Mickey Mantle hit a homer, which was a true story.


Late in answering here, but the character of Mitch is supposed to be likeable. Mets fans are likeable while Yankee fans are not.
