How did Clay Stone's disquised robbers know that Mitch, Duke and everyone was in the cave at the very end???? Clay Stone said he started a new western treasure hunt business with that exact same treasure map. But its not like Mitch called Clay up and told him they were all going down there with the same map and looking for that fake gold...Didn't make much sense to me..


Yea, I was gonna write a post about it but you beat me too it. To answer your question, I think it is just lazy writing

People who dont punch their ponies make me sick


In case you didn't notice clay was traveling with a whole other group of people including those two Jewish ice cream guys to look for the same gold and they just happened to be looking for it at the same time. I'm assuming that the two disguised robbers we're going to Ambush and scare the group that clay stone was with and the robbers thought that Billy Crystal and his gang were the tourists.
