Without hyperbole: THE greatest thing ever done by Mankind!
Cabin Boy is a work of genius, pure and simple!
It's really as simple as this:
The world divides into two kinds of people, those who GET Chris Elliot, and those who DON'T.
If you're the former, you'll like this film, if you're the latter, you probably won't....DON"T WATCH IT!!! GO AWAY.
My fellow Cabin Boy afficianados, surely you've all noticed that people of mediocre sensabilities ALWAYS respond to works of true genius with cries of derision and scorn..."oh, that's stupid!" etc. etc. and even fear.
When faced with something their small minds can't comprehend, the unenlightened masses always reach for their "torches" and seek to destroy.
Even as the great virtuoso Paganini played his violin with an unimaginable speed and sweetness, never before seen in Italy, the crowd raised a cry of "Deviltry", "He is possesed", and chased him from the stage.
You need only observe the drivel on television and churned out by Hollywood to appreciate the low sophistication level of today's spoon fed audience.
Most people today just don't seem to be able to appreciate the difference between a big budget, Hollywood production that IS stupid and a low budget, good movie ABOUT stupidity...and unfortunately seem to prefer the former...in droves! I'm looking at YOU Adam Sandler...et al.
Seriously, the production values of CB are pretty good for a low budget movie, The sets are well crafted, the cinematography and effects are spot on, the comedic timing of the talent is immpecable. It's NOT poorly made on any level; it's WELL crafted to create the desired effect. Sure it seems silly and looks cheesy...it's SUPPOSED to! The scripting and tone of CB is calculated to perfectly capture that unique Chris Elliot personae; the condescending, insufferably annoying, delusionallly self-satisfied, clueless idiot.
It is the one movie that my friends and I watch over and over again when we get together and want to laugh in our cups.
(that means we're drinking etc. ;-) for you less sophisticated CB haters)
For the Cabin Boy fans I have two suggestions:
Watch the film "Captains Courageous" AFTER wacthing Cabin Boy...It's the 'serious' film CB is loosely parodying. You'll get a chuckle out of it.
Also, check out the film "Run, Ronnie Run!" with David Cross. It has nothing to do with CB, but it's another "stupid" movie that almost no one knows about and I think you'll like if you're a CB fan...it was 'last years' Cabin Boy for me and my friends.
"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left." Oscar Levant