This reporter's take

A movie full of character with a real unique voice and vision. Your taste might not agree with it's style, but you could sense the creative work put into this movie-unlike a flick like Malibu's most wanted or something. Like most things Chris Elliott has some amount of creative control over to put his stamp of humor on, it was something original with plenty of thought and detail behind it. Of course it's also strange, surreal, random, and sometimes crude and so it's easy for a lot of people not to like it or get it right from the start. So they can't appreciate all the work that went into it. It's like certain bands, like Frank Zappa or Tool, not everyone gets them, but those that do have passion for all the detail and technicality and often originality that is behind the façade that keeps people away. And if you can break thru, you can see it goes a lot deeper than the typical fare that will dominate the mainstream of the arts and entertainment industry.
