Underrated movies
It's too bad people buy into all the hatred for Cabin Boy.
Movies that get crapped on but should get more respect:
Dirty Work
Almost Heros
Cabin Boy
The Cable Guy
Feel free to add more
It's too bad people buy into all the hatred for Cabin Boy.
Movies that get crapped on but should get more respect:
Dirty Work
Almost Heros
Cabin Boy
The Cable Guy
Feel free to add more
it's pat
Ahh, you beat me to Clifford. I'll have to take a look at It's Pat.
Comedies that probably rate well but are sort of lost in the sands of time:
Revenge of the Nerds
Young Doctors in Love
(curiously, all of them "school" comedies)
Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.
i agree with all of those except almost heroes.
shareThat's a great list. I'd add Wagon's East, Joe Dirt and Mr Wrong to the list.
Jeff Gordon goes all in!!!
Even Letterman's got a sense of humor about Cabin Boy.
Chris Elliot was on the show last year and said something like ,you know you've been in a film. Dave responded grinning 'Yeah,Cabin Boy.'
Mallrats,Fletch,Scrooged(Xmas favorite at our house),Hudsucker Proxy, Adventures Of Ford Fairlane.
Hey, if you've got Gilbert Gottfried and Ed O'Neill doing a disco song called 'Boogie Time U.S.A' that's a film.
Cabin Boy is probably the most underrated comedy ever. Good list though!
Ok heres my list of underated comedies
1. Cabin Boy
2. Brain Doners
3. Arthur 2
4. Ghost World-extremely underated
5. The Surviors-Robin Williams funnist performance
6. Hook-both underated as a comedy and children's fantasy
7. Popeye
8. Crocidile Dundee 2
9. Office Space
10. Strange Brew
11. The Pirate Movie
12. Top Secret
1. Howard the Duck
2. Men at work
3. Airheads
4. Monster squard
5. Cabin Boy
6. Dirty work
7. Almost Heros
8. Office Space
9. Captin Ron
10. Strange Brew
Galaxy Quest!
shareOffice Space can not count as an underrated film--everyone in the known universe has seen it by now, it has a freakin' special edition its a known movie, so kindly stop saying that;s underrated.
Ghost Dog Way of the Samurai--that's underrated Forrest Whittaker and some kick ass action, some'll find it really slow, but if you give it a chance, you'll find some of the best shot action scenes i mean low budget indie shot not hollywodd fireball shooting action
POOTIE TANG!!!!! very funny stuff--
Freaked is quite underrated as well!!! Anything with the following elements alone would make a different movie, but imagine one that stings them all together in one really strange to say the least movie: Mr.T as a woman, Bobcat Goldthwait as a guy with a sock for a head, Keeanu Reeves as Ortiz the dogfaced boy, and two giant jamacian rastafarian eyeballs this by the way is what happened to the other half of Bill and Ted-- Alex Winter.
The most underrated movie though--Bill Murray's QUICK CHANGE--brillant brillant brillant comedy--just ingenius!!! could watch it with my hair on fire, just those first 20 min alone, perhaps the greatest opening 20 min of any film ever!
there are too many underrated movies to count
The Public Eye (Joe Pesci's most understated performance ever, answers the question could he play someone not yelling and screaming well, boy does he ever)
Zero Effect(Monk stole the premise, but still fantastic Bill Pullman perf., you'll either love it or hate it guaranteed but if you love it, you'll love it!)
Box of Moonlight (Loved this one, many many good moments in the film, people i've shown it too weren't crazy about it as a whole but admit some of the parts were quite good, loved the whole thing myself.)
Mumford--(brillant script--literally dialog you can really sink your teeth into, can't believe more people havn't seen this one.)
Gun Shy--good off kilter movie, prob the best thing Liam Neeson has ever done,(Schindler's List aside) always found his popualrity a mystery, he's ok, but he's not a great actor, and of course now that i've said this watch him a performance of a lifetime and net the oscar with his next movie. d'oh.
Oliver Platt is also very inspired as the mobster here.
Funny Bones--speaking of Oliver Platt, very underrated movie that i won;t go itno here, but suffice it to say, its worth finding, luckily the dvd of it is cheap enough in most places.
Mad Dog And Glory--I know another movie with Bill Murray--it features a good understated DeNiro perf, and especially today where DeNiro is hamming it up, its a nice reminder of what an actually good light comedic actor he can be when he does it right, and not craptacularly as in meet the fockers. oy did that movie suck thoroughly--ben stiller as a mexican, wtf???
Albino Alligator--not a fantastic movie by any means but certainly one of Matt Dillon's better "lost" ones. (meaning between the outsiders and there's something about mary and crash)
Cemetary Man--incredibly forgotten horror comedy with Rupert Everett, this one is guaranteed to be liked by those who like horror comedies.
Hard Times--Charles Bronson gets the crap kicked out of him again, and again, and again, as a bare-knucked boxer during the depression, Bronson really got the crap kicked out of him again and again and again, and it shows, by the end of the movie, he looks like he's gonna die! talk about suffering for your art!
this list could go on and on and on
does Grosse Pointe Blank count as underrated??? i love that one so much, i could quote the dialog from that movie all day--maybe my favorite screenplay ever, love it so much, i think i'm the only person who was prob dissapointed by high fidelity--(same screenwriters reunited! don;t get me wrong high f is a good movie but its no gpb in my book)
nobody talks about Midnight Run today that's a great one! best mismatched buddy action movie ever! Deniro constantly punching Charles Grodin--funny.
man i wish i could type and type, but that should be good for now.
Crossing the Bridge--a great little coming of age movie starring the guy from "Sports Night" (not the one from 6 ft under but the other one--josh charles was his name) as a college either grad or drop out i forget which, wants to be a tv sitcom writer and get out of his mother's house, and out of the neighboorhood, has a great great speech in the middle of the movie where all his old classmates are giving this dinenr party and are stuck up and whatever and he gets up and he tells em how he wants to do something that when he gets up every morning he feels so great that he gets to do what he does. this movie does also co star stephen baldwin, but even he turns in a solid co-star role as the dim best friend who ends up getting the main guy in trouble (there;s a drug running scam from canada that they get involved in) its a real sleeper of a film in that when i was watching it very unexpectedly it completely grew on me and i couldn't believe how much i liked it by its end!
Just Your Luck--early Vince Vaughn (also see Clay Piegons!!!) mix of diner and tarantino style black comedy, kind of like very bad things meets a simple plan--actually that's a great way of thinking of it,
this old guy had a winning lottery ticket, keels over in this all night dinner he's in, and the six remainning patrons together with the chef and the waitress decide to split the winnings, unfortunately there are mishaps involving gangsters (one played by Jon Faverau and another played by Flea!!!), dead bodies, and cops (vaughn is one of the coppers)
has the most oddball cast, winston from the ghostbusters is in it, together with mike starr, virginia madsen is the schemer in it. Jon Polito has a show stopping turn as the greek chef of the diner, you might not know the name, but you would definitely recogize his face, he's in virtually all of the coen bros. movies, (he was the other gangster boss in miller's crossing, the detective in the big lebowski, and the vaccum salesman in man who wasn't there as well as the bad guy in blankman of which i'm very proud i know!) too bad no one knows this one, this is def his warmest character! sadly unknown today, this one was direct to video (i think) by out of business polygram pictures and was lost in the shuffle when they folded. should be rereleased on dvd sometime, with a cast like that how could it not? its a solid solid script, humorous, daaark ending, very underrated.
I agree with pretty much every single movie listed before, and I'm going to add North, I thought that was great. And to the person that said Pooty Tang, everything I heard abut that movie made me want to stay away, but I saw it reluctantly over a friend's house and was laughing throughout it, plus it had David Cross in a cameo and I'm a big David Cross fan.
"...cellar door is beautiful"