widescreen tv??

just watched this and noticed furlong had a widescreen tv... in the early 90s? it almost looked like a 'frame' was stuck onto a regular tv.

also, what is with the cd-rom in a standard jewel case being inserted into the reader?


About the widescreen tv, I have two theories. 1 you're right it was a frame around it or 2 it was a tall tube sideways. Remember the old arcade games like pacman where the monitor was like a widescreen flipped up to appear tall? I reckon that was what they did here and reversed the image on screen.

About the case on the cd, that was real, those were called "caddy's" and they were used to protect cd's back in the early days but then they stopped making them.


16:9 CRT TVs were commercially launched in early 90s.


lol about the CD, i wish they'd do that now.. damn DVD's and CDs always degrading so fast.


Those CD-ROM drives are accurate for the time. That's before we had the trays.


I actually seen a 16:9 or 16:10 flat crt forget brand last week at my local habitat for humanity store, think it was between $40-$60 like 30 something inches I think

Channel Six News, they'll finger anything with a pulse!
