Deus Ex-Machina
Although I think the movie is hilarious and an underrated gem, I always refer to it in discussions of movie Deus Ex-Machina's. For those who don't know, Deus Ex-Machine is a contrived plot point or line of dialogue that speeds the heroes along to the end very conveniently.
The movie starts winding down and Blankman needs to get to Minelli. He shows up at Minelli's hideout, ready to bust him. How did he find the location? The Deus Ex-Machine occurs with Blankman saying saying to Minelli, who asked how they found the location, "You'll have plenty of time to figure that out in prison, Minelli!"
Conveniently, we gloss over having to explain how Blankman found the base! Anyone have any other examples they'd like to share from other movies?