Bring Serge Back
I hope they will bring Serge back in Beverly Hills Cop IV
SssseeeeeeerrrrrrrrrGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGeee (Bronson Pinchot) was the best in BHC III, a little more flamboyant compared to BHC...
His best lines were in BHC I:
"Get the ---- outta here!"
"No I cannot! iss serious!"
"What is it perhaining?"
"Get Mr. Ahckmed...ak..ahkwell..."
Yeah Serge was the best Character out of Number 3.
I hope in Number four if he is in it he will say more really funny stuff.
I thought the best part is when he doesn't wanna give Axel the gun at the end cause it's the floor model and could have germs on it, lol. And told the guy to cover up his chest hair.
shareIf they do it they definitely need Serge. They should also have Serge have a new assistant who can be Damon Wayans reprising his role as the "Banana Man" from Part 1. It would be a nice little gag for the big fans. I'd also like to see Gilbert Gottfried's character again.