crotch humor
can someone pleas explain to me what the *beep* is so funny about seeing a guy getting his nuts pummeled violently, sombody PLEASE!
sharecan someone pleas explain to me what the *beep* is so funny about seeing a guy getting his nuts pummeled violently, sombody PLEASE!
shareI like this post, because it give me hope. If somoene could come up with a reason for why I see humor in half of the things I see humor in, a $1,000,000 question would finally be answered! Than I think I would kindly ask for half of it.
could I pleas have a serious answer. anyone anyone???
But I'm a guy and I find it funny. Lots of guys do as well as girls. And some girls do find it appalling. So it's not always sexist. I'm sorry I can't shed light on the phychological genesis behind the humour. 1,000 apologies for my earlier crack. I hope someone can answer this one for you. Good luck
shareWithout getting into to much detail... I was traumatized by that scene as a kid. I wouldn't have been traumatized had I seen on TV, but in the theater everybody laughed so hard I was deeply offended.
sharewow ... well I dident expect that. thaks though I like to hear serious opinions on this hey foxyterror would you think it funny if a girls boobs or her box cought fire and was stomped on savagly. seriously?
shareIt's a bit of something that's called dark humour. If it was a real event, I, and most anyone else, would shudder instinctively. But in make-believe, the reverese is true because it's fake. To see how down someone can be on thier luck, especially when bad things happen to a bad person. There's something there. Home Alone and the Lonely Guy, as well as various Tim Burton films, and most notorius, Nightmare on Elm Street, all have a warped since of humor. I admit that I'm more or less offended by that last one these days. And as for the first (being the crotch humor scene), I've seen it so many times now that it's not near as funny to me as it once was. Funny how someone can run things into the ground.
sharewell... dose anyone find it funny when it happens to girls? seriously people.
shareYes, but not as funny. So I soppose it is sort of sexist. But I have laughed at light comedy violence against females before. Such as Marv's wife on Home Alone 4. And especially when women get into knock down-drag outs. Those can be funny.
Sepreately, the Naked Gun and severeal movies starring Leslie Nielson, and even the Monty Python's are notorious for light humor from violence. And it gets far worse in those movies than what we're talking about on here.
1. What happens to Marv's wife on Home Alone 4?
2. The Monty Python's are clearly and strictly dark humor for a much more mature audience. It's also clever and usually makes a point about something. BDO is a pointless comedy for little children (as expected, obviously - no judgement here), so you can't compare the two.
I was talking about crotch humor in genearal thus I brought up Monte Python. But you did have a good point there. The home alone movies to touch with this sort of humor. Between them, Marv takes everything from a staple to an anchor in this area. Though these was no cleavege/crotch humour directly applied to Marv's wife, she still took a beating that many would probably assume was dark humour. Being dropped for a window while insdie a bag was one of these. It all depends on what gets to you the most. Frankly, I found the bits hilerious. As for Marv's Wife, I love that charactor. I find Missy Pyle to be an excellent actress. She had me in stiches on "Bringing Down the House". But that's for another messageboard.
share"Though these was no cleavege/crotch humour directly applied to Marv's wife, she still took a beating..."
But that's the whole point of this thread! Sexual jokes that are made on the account of women in kids' movies are rarely painful, always humiliating (like, a trap might have removed her clothes in front of a large public). But you'd never see a woman screaming in pain because she got hit in the box or in the chest. Not that I'm a sadist who thinks it's funny (or satisfying) in any way, but it happens to men in kids' movies and hardly ever happens to women. And in the rare cases that it does (like, Monster-In-Law) - then the film is not nearly as childish as Home Alone, and it's not nearly as painful as what happened to Mantegna in BDO. And that's exactly why I'm so puzzled! For some reason, Home Alone 3 was the first HO movie to have a female burglar - but even THEN people thought it would be funnier if the girl hit the guy in the crotch with the bat, and not the other way around!
I'm thinking that this is all probably because young children are educated that "pot" stuff are much more taboo than "winkie" stuff, which is merely comical in the eyes of a child. But still, there's something basically wrong about this for me, and I can't exactly poinpoint it.
I'll tell you what I mean by taboo: Imagine that I was the scriptwriter for Home Alone 5, and I wrote a scene where the kid places a spike under some trap, and when she walks on the trap she falls and the spike penetrates her in the groin and she is stuck there for hours and can't get out. (and since it's a kid movie, she'll just scream for help and look uncomfortable without any blood shown or hinted at) And then all sorts of funny bugs would walk on that spike and start to get interested in one of its ends, and "tickle" her in the groin so that she would half-scream and half-laugh. And hours later, her male burglar partners (who would obviously have gone through hell in their groins too in this sexually-equal film) would walk into the room and find her in this situation and couldn't help themselves but burst out in laughter. And then they lower the spike and release her from it, like if she was some piece of meat on a stick. Obviously, she would walk funny for the next few scenes and her male partners would make cracks about her crotch.
I think that what I just wrote is the sickest thing my mind has ever conjured up. And yet when done with comical acting and sticking to PG dialog and bloodless shots, then I can't see in it anything different than writing a script where the guy gets his nuts squeezed by a 9 months-old baby and then burnt with a lighter for 10 minutes, and then brutally stomped on - The script virtually says that the main "bad guy" gets viciously castrated in a movie that would appeal for 4 year-olds and up!! Why would the producers green-light BDO, but would send me to a mental institution for writing HO5 the way I described?
Anyhow, IMHO crotch humor in kids' films have gone WAAAYY over the line, and I think the MPAA should take this much more seriously. I don't want to see vaginas on spikes any more than I wish to see nuts on fire. They're all sick, wrong, and morally unjust to be shown to a kid.
Though I laughed at that part, I have to agree with you, "Nathanel-mori". My parents died laughing at this same scene with me. However, a commercial aired years back where a buy got his balls busted. Don't remember exactly what happened, but I know it was crotch humour that applies to this thread. Howver, my mother was appalled over using that sort of humor on a network television commercial. Children are the common thread of BDO and network television. So if she had a problem with a network commercial having c/c humor, of which children have access to, she should just as well have had the same sentiments about BDO, which is INTENDED for chirldren. BDO btw, predates that commercial.
I do think the line needs to be drawn somewhere. Violence in general needs to be drawn somewhere. Some kids these days are dumb enough to try some of what the see on tv. For example, Simpily falling out of a window yields bad results. Yet some kids will try it, because they don't know any better. Movies such as "Natural Born Killers" sicken me. Not related to this tread, but there's lots of messed up people out there that actually aspire to this stuff. It's already happened where a couple went on a crime spree after seeing that film. Hollywood has went to far in several catagories. Look at the new "the Fog" VS the 1980 Original. Need I say more? I know these last few setences are a bit off topic from the original thread, but It reminded me of a broader rant that I have. But anyway, I can see where BDO might have went a triffle far with c/c humor. But I've mixed feelings on that particular subject.
I'm glad to see that you get my point. But I can't help but keep wondering (as I have ever since I saw BDO at the theater) why the equivalent joke (as demonstrated in my fictional HO5) isn't funny at all. Is it because we're still taught to be "gentlemen" in a certain manner? Maybe it's the other way around and it's because of the feminist revolution that a guy's genital's are less "respected" than the girl's genitals? Maybe it's simply because most offenders are male and thus we're taught to kick a guy in the groin but not the other way around? Maybe it's because a girl's genitals are strongly associated in people's minds with giving birth, and thus they automatically fear their harm? Or maybe it's simply because a girl's privates are generally more desirable than a guy's winky, which is generally considered to be grotesque? (which leads to another question of why is it considered to be so)
It would be interesting to understand why girls get society's sensitivity on this matter.
I cannot answer that. But yes, I do believe a lot has to do with the femnist movement. Also, the MPAA has it as a general rule that if you show female genetals on a movie, it can keep an R rating. But if male genetals are shown, it almost will always get an NC-17 rating (equivilant of the former X rating). This is another thing to keep in mind. There's definately a double standard going on in society these days.
shareYou can always say that male genitals getting NC-17 is to the male's dismissal as a sexual object in society. It is true that the use of the female's body as a sexual object in popular entertainment is degrading to say the least - but it has to do with the world's fascination with women!! (justified or not)
On the other hand, society's disregard and half-contempt of male sexuality (mostly due to all the violence and rape cases of which men are responsible) has caused the male's genitals to become a threat in the real world, and a comical joke in the fictional world. That's the only explanation I could find.
That theory works well with how the world sees male sexual objects nowadays. In most cases they're stripped off their masculine sexuality (no chest hair etc.) and even when they still look like sexy male "predators" - their genitals are never the point of their attractiveness, much unlike the way female sexual objects are depicted. (take the very masculine George Clooney, as opposed to an Anglina Jolie look-a-like)
Keep in mind the fact that in calssical art and sculptures, masculine sexuality - much like feminine sexulaity - is presented in its full form - male genitals included, fully exposed and unhidden - just like female genitals. That would conform with the notion that it was men's crimes throughout history that turned the tables against us, and now male sexuality is percepted as either a threat or a joke.
hello its me agan, sorry I took so long to reply. woow what a well thought out , inteligent conversation that was. now If I could coment, I do think ball kicks are appaling to say the lest but the main reason why this pissed me off so much is that BDO had a G raiting I could have slightly, (slightly!!) exepted it more if it was in a horror movie or a stupid teen movie with an r rating but there is now way in hell that this sould be a family movie. and I have scean some family movies, one in piticular, where a girl had her boobs lit on fire and when I saw it with my family they burst into hysterical laughter I wish I could remember what it was called becaus a bunch of awful stuff happend that sould have never been put in family movie. like this guy is siting at a restuirant with his kids eating dinner and a cockroach crawls into his plate. without even realizing it he snapps the cockroach in have with his fork and eats it. about 2 seconds latter he pukes (and the zoom in on it) it shows the half a cockroach crawling out of the puke and the guy has a massive e haertattact and dies now my parents laughed at this too. dose anny one find this wrong all together. and also do any girls out there find it appaling when a guy gets hit in the nuts. pleas rspond
sharei think its quite humorous. i've kicked guys in the balls before. well from someone like me, i think guys deserve to be kicked there as much as possible. most guys deserve it when it happens to them, so its funny. and dont say bad things to me, because its not like im trying to be intelligent.
well are you a boy or are you a girl
sharedesertdsoulx how can I not say bad things about you after you just said you all guys sould be kicked in the nuts as much as possibel you eathir must a self haiting gay guy or a ballbusting, femmenazi, deisel dyke lesbian. and seeing as I started this post for people to comment on how they were appaled or offended buy this scean. well the hell are you on here bashing mine and others opinions anyway. you know what would be real funny? to see some one knee a girl in the box and then repeatedly stomp on her box> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!! (Bitch)
There's nothing funny about it in real life. However this isn't real life it's a film where 3 guys have kidnapped a baby and they are getting what is coming to them.
Bit like saying what's funny about getting your hand crushed by a gorilla or falling off a building, nothing is funny about these things in real life but in a film where the bad guys are getting what's coming to them it's funny as hell especially when its a baby that doing it to them.
i don't hate ALL guys, most guys deserve it. lets have you be raped 7 times and counting, see how you feel about men afterwards..
dont you even start with me desertdsoulx because I could tell you horror stories about what wemon have done to me. especialy mommy. if I thought the way you did then its a mriacle why I havent become a rapist or a serial killer of women, or a gay guy who hates women. Iam not any of these mind you but according to your logic I should be. but my point is that I find crotch shots appaling on both sides guys or girls. it just that it happens more to guys and I am a guy so I sympathises more for ballkicks and thats the idea of this post. I dont have a box or boobs so ill never know what I feels like to get hit there. any ways dont respond to this post because of some vendetta you have agenst guys because your not the only one. and it dosent just happen to girls ethier
share Yeah, I'm a guy and I've had quite the psychological stressing out by both men & women all my life. Yet I'm still very freindly and social and have no vandetta. I just keep on setting myself up. Go figure.
But anyway, I JUST saw Scary Movie 4 when it opened last Friday (or was it the friday before? I don't even know! LOL) I could live with all the humor. I laughted histerically about all of it. However, I had to feel bad for the poor little girl who kept getting hurt accidentally in rediculous ways all throughout the movie. She was ok each time, so yeah, it was halfway funny, but still, you just have to sympathize with her more than laugh! Seeing small children get struck twice by lightening just isn't my thing! LOL All in all, I had a blast. But it just comes to show that there's some humor that's not for everyone. We are all effected in different ways. Some of us are offended by some material, others are offended by other material. It's all individual reactions based on unique psychological experiences and wiring.
It's ironic. I started out as a bit of a heckler of this thread. Than me and "nathanel-mori" became the 2 that really took over the thread. I wanted to say that he was the real bearer of insight for this thread. Very well thought out. It would be hard for any of us to beat what he said. But I'm glad to see the thread is still alive. I wanted to comment earlier, but I've been busy for a few months now. I'm probably about finished with any valuable insight I can add to this thread. So I wish everyone luck here!
well its way diffent when you compaire children. you cant really think of them as any thing other than just children. sweet, innocent, happy, creatures that would never hurt any one so you cant really compaire child vilonce and fully grown adult violence. grate post thogh and I agree "nathanel_mori" right on!!!
shareI just read the second post. Thanks to you too. It's only during these last years that I realized that most people don't see the things the way explained because they either don't "think things through" or because they're intellect is invested in something else, and since it's not really a subject that people care about (most people don't really care for films, and those who do don't take kids films seriously) then I guess people don't shout out loud and protest as I did.
I once read an article that said that ballkicks are there to stay (there was a link to it in IMDB's homepage!), but since I've never seen anything as violent as in BDO I wonder whether the studio got some serious complaints about that scene and decided to give up a bit with the severeness of groin shots.
It's ironic. I started out as a bit of a heckler of this thread. Than me and "nathanel-mori" became the 2 that really took over the thread. I wanted to say that he was the real bearer of insight for this thread. Very well thought out. It would be hard for any of us to beat what he said. But I'm glad to see the thread is still alive. I wanted to comment earlier, but I've been busy for a few months now. I'm probably about finished with any valuable insight I can add to this thread. So I wish everyone luck here!
Thanks for the comments. I appreciate your understanding and evaluation of my opinion.
well, think about it. the guys kidnapped a poor innocent cute baby. they deserved it if you ask me. i'm not saying it just happens to girls, i know girls give guys shi t too. its just drama. and if you can't admit that its morely guys that do shi t to women, your wrong.
What you said has got nothing to do with the issue. The producers' goal is to produce attractions by creating humorous films that are supposedly appealing to younger audiences. Somebody somewhere took crotches on fire as his idea of comedy, and stretched a context (plot, etc.) around it (and some other similar ideas) in a way that would make people laugh AND would enable them to feel good about it, since the victims were bad guys and everything...
If someone took away my baby, trust me when I say I wouldn't spare his balls had I been given the chance. Actually, if I had the kidnapper tied down and under my control, I'd most likely go for his scrotum as my main target. But that's not because I'd think it's funny - it's simply because I'd like to see that a$$hole suffer as much as possible.
Not so in a light comedy, where you couldn't possibly hate the villains that much (not even as a kid), and thus - the entire crotch on fire scene loses the point of a family movie's good taste PLUS it instills the notion that groin shots are funny - particularly when inflicted on boys.
Moreover, it strenghtens the perception that we (humans) should feel somwhat ashamed of our sexuality. It makes kids spend most of their childhood thinking that their gender is somehow connected with some sort of wrong doing. You should look a bit into Freud for some elaboration into that. Obviously, he's outdated - but he paved the way to the right direction when it came to his discoveries regarding the mental connection between sexuality and sin. Most people reach their adulthood cured of all their "traumas" about sexuality, but many don't - Quite a few people have relationship problems, fetishes, and many other issues that thrive on their childish inability to accept the nature of sexuality. Even a rapist might have grown into the monster that he is, due to trifling matters such as having or sharing a deep sexual humiliation with a person or sometimes even a character that is fictional.
That is why I oppose groin shots (to both sexes) as a means of humour. People subconsciously react to that when they are children. If you're an adult, then you may have gained a certain ammunity to that, ofcourse. Be that as it may, Baby's Day Out was so outrageous in that respect, that I could not help but protest against the pervasiveness of the scene in question.
If you think about it honestly, you'll SEE that I'm right.
dear god that was utterly brillant!! desertedsoulx I knew it you do have a vendetta agentst guys. why do you even bother
not true, I like some guys. I'm not sexist, only against the criminals and mexican guys who hop the boarder. BUT I don't like the girls who hop the boarder either so...if you like criminals that ruin peoples lives fine by me, but I am not sexist. I probably seemed that way but I'm not.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
shareGeez guys, you went through all of that stuff, when the answer to the original question about 'crotch humor' is simple. The 'funniness' (probably not a word, but I don't care) doesn't come in so much when some guy merely gets hit in his crotch, but moreso during the crazy facial and vocal reactions that follow. And that folks, is what personally cracked me up during that scene in this movie. Simply the way the guy was going all crazy with his facial expressions and those crazy groans, and the way his buddies and the two cops were just staring on like "what the hell?".
"So I tell him, thats not a gorilla! Thats the President!"
The facial expressions etc. are what categorized this scene as comical. The discussion here doesn't argue the fact that the crotch scenes are very comical. On the contrary - they're extremely comical, and look like a cartoon. However, I strongly argue that treating such a situation comically isn't suitable for little kids, which are the main potential audience for this movie. That's why those scenes were far from being tasteful or funny in any way possible.
sharewell actually I dont find crotch sceans funny in any move. this was just especially bad BECAUSE it was a kids movie. now lets try a littel experiment, ok. I am walking down the street and slip on a puddel of melted ice cream that someone droped and fall flat on my big fat ass. now would you laugh? seriously, I am going somewhere with this.
I know you are going somewhere with this, and I believe I even know where. And the answer is, yes - I would probably feel a chuckle coming up. I would do my best to keep it inside me and quickly run to help you out.
Also, even if I am unable to keep that chuckle inside, I'd automatically stop laughing if your suffering takes more than 2 seconds. Also, if it's evident to me at the very beginning that your pain is extreme, I wouldn't even feel that chuckle coming up.
Moreover, the fact that in some of the cases I MIGHT feel a little chuckle, is one of the things I blame society for. I tend to believe that it's one of the natural instincts that should not be developed, and should be opressed by the common education. Just the same way that we are taught not to fart in public (pardon the example), we should be taught not to laugh at people slipping over a banana peel.
Besides, slipping over a banana peel in what takes less than a second and having your genitals tortured and burnt for almost 10 minutes are 2 different things.
One last thing - You might say that I am questioning the legitimacy of humor in general. That might seem so at first, but it would be a mistake on your part to believe in that. My notion of humor is humor for the sake of an idea. But I don't want to go beside the point here, unless you'd want me to elaborate.
The hell? Ya'll are making this thing bigger than it has to be. It's just a family comedy movie.
"So I tell him, thats not a gorilla! Thats the President!"
by all means please elabarat. I would really like to hear more, really, really I would.
sorry if that sounded sarcastic, you just seem to be making every point Iam trying to make, exept your doing a much better job of it
Yes it is a feminist and man-hating society. More and more...If a man is hurt, it is funny. Ohhh don't complain and a man about far as the crotch humour....what about circumcision? A woman will always be protected from that but if you are born a man...someone else has the right to decide over your genitals and cut pieces of it away...and it is acceptable....
So yes...the double standard thing that's going on is going very very deep....
A woman's emotion is considered more important...
sharewell how else would you suppose to put out a fire