MovieChat Forums > Baby's Day Out (1994) Discussion > One of the worst films ever

One of the worst films ever

Anyone that rated this film higher than 1 star is functionally retarded.


"ƒuck 'em. ƒuck 'em all." -- Robert Evans


Agreed. This is torture porn for little kids.


Guys, seriously. There is far worst children's movies. I personally enjoy this movie.


While I respect your opinion, I found this film's combination of toddler-friendly cuteness and Tarantino-ish sadism to be truly off-putting. It's probably the only family movie in memory in which a character says, "My entire reproductive system is about to go up in flames."


It fells like a knock-off of a John Hughes film, the only problem is it actually IS a John Hughes film. It feels like a copy of himself.


"Tarantino-ish sadism to be truly off-putting"

Hmmm... I really have a hard time to see how in the world did you see any Tarantino in this?? Care to explain?


Upon reflection, I've decided that my comment was unfair . . . to Tarantino. Although QT likes to mine nervous laughter out of violence, I've never known him to play a "castration-by-fire" scene for laughs. This movie is a real piece of work, a torture porn comedy aimed at pre-schoolers.


Pretty sure you are among those people who gave Avengers a 10 by the way you sound... So, if we are retarded...........
