Does anybody like the part when...
Right before Roger is about to get his picture taken with Knox, when Taylor Negron screams, "FIRST KIDDD!!!"?
shareRight before Roger is about to get his picture taken with Knox, when Taylor Negron screams, "FIRST KIDDD!!!"?
shareit was my favorite part that's why I was just wondering
shareimo, its the turning point of the film. everything takes a turn for the worse after that peircing yell informing the line attendant to dismiss the first prize winner. negron's brilliant character ating is no more prevalent here...watching his facial muscles contort while yelling in that high pitched screaming shrill of a voice gives me chills to this day. finally someone else who caught the brilliance of this wonderfully written/directed scene.
shareWhen we were younger my sisters saws this movie before I did and they would randomly shout, "FIRST KID!" at each other and then crack up laughing. I finally saw it and then saw that part. I love Taylor Negrons role. I loved when the boys ordered all that food and then wanted coffee. The look Taylor gave them was hilarious.
shareOne of my favorites is, when Knox walks up to JP, David (Taylor Negron) noticing him, stands up, putting his hands out in a placating manner, "I know. I know. Two popcorns, three cracker-jacks, nachos-- and I was thinking about getting him a car. And maybe a corporate jet."
Hah hah!
LOL yes that's hilarious. And when JP and Roger asked for coffee was funny too. "How do you take it?" "In cups." My husband and I say that to each other when we're making coffee. "How would you like your coffee?" "In a cup."
You have to stop the Q-Tip when there's resistance!