MovieChat Forums > Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) Discussion > Guaranteed to Woosh, how sad is that?

Guaranteed to Woosh, how sad is that?

There are things in life that just fill one with sudden, unconquerable sadness and despair.

How time goes on and good things come into existence just to fade out is one of them.

Youtuber 'reactors', no matter how 'filmmakers' or 'actresses' they claim to be, are guaranteed to 'woosh' (or have movies perform a 'woosh') quite a lot, especially with comedies that have references.

It seems that people only understand references of their own time. Anything older or newer, and we have to greet the woosh.

No matter how many youtuber 'reactors' I see watching this movie, it seems I am never going to experience even ONE of them react to the 'Crying Game' music. It's a joke in itself, as well as a reference to a shock a character went through in another movie, but somehow that is now taboo. You are not supposed to experience organic, natural reactions to perversions and twisted things you are not expecting.

Gender is one of the stupidest things to have this many people this upset over. It's just an insignifigant, temporary body's physical-etheric attribute, nothing more. It's certainly not something anyone eternal can or should ever try to 'identify' themselves as. It's also a very obvious thing that has been obscured beyond recognition - very much like The Emperor's invisible clothes.

In any case, it would be great if these 'movie-and-TV-show-watching youtube reactors' could actually have some kind of knowledge about the things they are reacting to, or some kind of professional research behind their 'job', but nope. They sit down, head filled with modern nonsense, watch a movie from 1994, and never react to the music from that other movie that's played to underline the severity of Ace's COMPLETELY NORMAL AND ORGANIC reaction.

Nothing 'phobic' about any of it, for crying out loud. Why are the most illogical people the biggest virtue-signalers and most 'shocked' about these things..? No one has EVER been afraid of a homosexual in the history of existence. EVER. Yet, they use the word 'phobia'. Why is that? Could it be that phobia can be irrational and denotes weakness at the same time, as well as comes off as a bit 'unfair' so easily, plus, gives the accuser more ammo to shame someone? It's shameful to be afraid, right?

If they called it 'homo-disgust', it would be more organic, normal and less easy to weaponize, I reckon.

Someone having an irrational fear about something can be laughed at - you have aracnophobia? But spiders are tiny and harmless, you silly sod, ahah, you laughable freak!

Someone being disgusted by spiders? Well, that's easy to understand, it's a normal and organic reaction, not as easy to laugh at.

The difference is, there is no such thing as 'homophobia' or 'transphobia', and jokes are just jokes, why can't there be jokes about certain things but there can about others?

A joke doesn't hurt anyone. Just joke about anything and everything you want. Audience can then decide with their participation and wallets. I wouldn't want to watch certain types of jokes that make the vulnerable and the innocent the butt of the joke, but I wouldn't want to accuse someone of being 'innocentphobic' for saying those jokes, or want to 'cancel' someone because they make pixel groups emerge on computer screens or cause aural waves to traverse in the air in a specific pattern.

There's also nothing hateful or discriminatory about making the 'Crying Game' shock-joke; it has been a cultural staple for a long time, it has a good point, and it's easy for people to become shocked when they realize they went passionately against their biological-etheric imperative. Why is this such a big deal?

This movie does not show those mentally delusional idiots as anything bad, the movie doesn't call for murdering of anyone that dresses a certain way or lies about their body. It shows one crazy individual, but that doesn't mean anything; plenty of movies have shown all kinds of crazy people without anyone making it about some specific group.

So lighten up about these things already and let the jokes fly freely.

Back to the actual point.. it's sad how time removes good things always too soon, but lets bad things linger on. Whenever a new generation starts doing this 'movie reaction' job, there's a desperation and sadness that goes with it. They are NOT going to get even half of the references in 'Airplane!' (so many people are confused by the spear-hits-the-wall-joke, for example, because modern attention span can't remember the movie JUST showed us indians chasing the car), and every single gosh-darned [redacted] will experience 100% WOOSH when the 'Crying Game' music starts playing.

These things are part of 'general knowledge', but the more you watch youtuber 'reactors' react to things that have cultural or general knowledge-references, the more sad it becomes, because the more you realize just how little they know of the past, other movies or TV shows and so on.

"Captain Stubing? Who's that?" SIGH!!
