Why did the camera angle change?
I am talking about the "rare bottle-nosed dolphin" (they're not rare) showcase video, where the 'new trick' is being shown.
Why does the camera angle change so much, and especially just as the dolphin is about to 'kick' the ball, all we see is a wide angle of the ball (if it can be called that) flying out of the water tank.
Think about it from their perspective; would they REALLY have multiple cameras and a whole crew like that, and someone to edit it so perfectly just to have a showcase video of one trick? Wouldn't it be more likely they would just film it with one cameraman and as a proof of being real, film it as one, continuous shot anyway?
I've seen dolphins do much more amazing tricks than that, though, so I don't know why they would even think to film that. Isn't it a given that a dolphin can do that? Do they really even need video proof?
Is it even signifigant what the trick is, couldn't Ace get the pertinent information even without the video tape?
Something is so fishy about this whole thing, I can't figure it out.