MovieChat Forums > Touched by an Angel (1994) Discussion > I'm freaking out man, I'M FREAKING OUT

I'm freaking out man, I'M FREAKING OUT

WHERE is Touched by an Angel?! It hasn't been on Hallmark for a week! Please tell me they didn't take it out of the lineup!

*fans self* Deep breaths, deep breaths,



Hallmark tends to do that, they will show ONE show over and over,

The past doesn't exist and the future is only an illusion.


i got tired of writing them they do have a phone number on their site


It is currently airing on Hallmark at 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM, EST.


nope 7 and 8


You're right; I'm sorry.
Too much of the grape, I guess. LOL


put the grape down.. and no one will get hurt


OK, OK, I'm puttin' it down!
Don't shoot!



It's really sad some people lead their lives based on a tv show spewing out christian propaganda


even sadder is someone replying to a post that asks for help, yet offers only a sarcastic response instead. where's YOUR christianity? or...if you're an athiest...where's your moral?

anyway to the OP, i dunno since i dont watch tv anyway. i prefer DVD's.

that said, why dont you get TBAA on DVD? its been cancelled for ages now so you can get the complete series & no more commercials...or worrying about it being cancelled.

Made ya look


Maybe they can't afford them? Just saying.


i'd love to here your explanation as to what being an atheist has to do with morality?


It's really sad some people come to the imdb page for a show they know is christian and throw hate at people who believe. You don't need to hide behind that hate. We know you're envious of those who have faith. Don't worry. We're all praying for you. You want it and so you will find it. After all there's a reason you came to this page. Spew hate if you will but there's something missing in your life and 'something' made you come here.


Was Touched By An Angel aligned with the "Christian" faith.??? I always got the impression it was inclusive of all faiths based in God and didn't spend much time, if any, talking about Jesus, which would be the basis for "Christian Propaganda"... I'm currently re-watching the series from season 1 so I'll have to keep an eye out for that...

Bill Steward


Although it was created by a Christian (Martha Williamson), and of course had a certain Judeo-Christian approach to spirituality (they had to start someplace), to call TBAA a "Christian" show is not correct; the episodes "Chutzpah" and "Written in Dust" focused on Jewish characters and there was at least one with a Muslim character in it but I cannot recall the title and I have not seen it since it first aired; I have a feeling that post-9/11 the "powers that be" felt it would be impolitic.

My point is that this show was much more ecumenical than some people think; I do not think the name of Jesus was ever used and there certainly was no underlying message that if one is not a Christian God either does not love them or they are destined for punishment.

Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem!
roflol ><


Ehm, who says the person leads his life based on it (tv show)? I mean, I go frantic if Supernatural is not on TV, but that doesn`t mean I go out there hunting ghosts and Wendigos in my spare-time. I know for a fact that there is no such thing as demons and angels, despite my obsessive need to watch a TV Show about it. Lol, seriously dude, give us some credit, we can seperate fact and fiction. OMG, my sister is possessed by an Indian Air God *Running for my shotgun*

I understand the anti-religious attitude, but really misplaced here.

"We can`t die, Bendis. Andy you know why? Because we are so.. very .. pretty."


It's really sad that some people search through IMDb help forums just to insult a show for no reason except to spew hate.


I'm watching it RIGHT NOW on Hallmark. It starts at 8:00p.m. Eastern time and they play up to 11:00p.m. They're in the middle of the 2nd season right now. Hope this helps.


I wish they would bring back HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN.


You can watch any episodes from all the seasons on this blog for free


i just dashed back to the same 188 satellit channel to see an ad that they will also be returning 7th heaven and dr.quinn med woman and a couple of others..


The Gospel Music Channel (GMC) is having a marathon this weekend & will be showing it Monday through Friday at 4pm (Pacific Time) till 6 pm - 2 episodes a day!!! Tomorrow they're showing 4 episodes (4pm to 8pm) so maybe we'll get lucky & Monday will always be a 4 episode day & Tuesday through Friday will be 2 episode days.


I just checked the url, and it says that the blog was removed. Do you know where else I can see the episodes? Or no? That is, besides on tv.

"Hate the sin, love the sinner."


You know you can get it on DVD right?


You can get your syrup fix on the UP Network now.



Hi, Original Poster...I don't blame you, friend. I love that show too. Uplifting, isn't it?


Hi, Original Poster ...
Two problems here. You didn't reply to the OP, but to Jimminy_Beeswax The OP has been inaactive since 2010 when the post was made.



by caiticat2000 » Thu Mar 18 2010 14:58:29
IMDb member since April 2006
WHERE is Touched by an Angel?! It hasn't been on Hallmark for a week! Please tell me they didn't take it out of the lineup!

*fans self* Deep breaths, deep breaths,


I liked the tv series too!
