Being a gay christian who has sadly only seen a few episodes of this show, I was wondering if homosexuality ever appeared on the show, or whether the people behind this skirted around the whole taboo topic?
You think you have won, You think all is well, But kiss my green ass, I shall see you in hell!
There was an episode from one of the early seasons, I can't remember what at the moment but it was about a gay man dying of AIDS and he comes home for Christmas to be with his family. His father tries to set him up with Monica but he is stunned to believe that his son is gay.
You'd be suprised by the following lines I heard on that episode, the gay guy's father says 'What is an angel doing on the side of a queer?!' and Monica says 'Nothing that is made by God is queer'. That is about the best words I have heard from any christian show.
"The Violin Lesson" is one of TBAA's classic episodes. Its also available on DVD in the TBAA Season THree Volume 1 Set. Seasons one through four are available now. In "The Violin Lesson" they did not skirt around the issue. Martha Williamson (the executive producer) knew how to take a controversial subject which fundamentalist Christians generally approach with disdain and judgment and show that God is the ONLY judge to be held accountable to. She showed that everyone black or white, gay or straight should be treated with dignity and respect. "The Violin Lesson" is a great testament to the true Christian golden rule: Do Unto Others As You Would Have THem do Unto You."
One of the good things about TBAA is that it is NOT a Christian show. It is totally non-denominational. All a person has to do to enjoy the show is to have a belief in the Almighty. So I suppose atheists and agnostics didn't like it.
I haven't seen that episode but great to see the show was preaching acceptance and not hatred. I've never understood the fear and hate that some Christians have towards homosexuality, I mean if you don't like it that's fine but to be that enraged about something that does not affect you I just don't get it. If it's right or wrong, that's up to the individual to find out, not for anyone down here to judge.
Ardennen is right about what I meant, though I'm not sure about "enough you guys" because I don't think anyone was arguing. I didn't know what tc7180 was referring to about God being an individual, didn't make sense so I asked if he/she was talking to me. But yes, I said that each individual person will find out for themselves if homosexuality is right or wrong. If the Christians are right, a gay person will find out when they die. But until then, they are not hurting anyone so I don't understand the pure hatred that many Christians have toward them.
I mean if you don't like it that's fine but to be that enraged about something that does not affect them
I'm sorry but you may not know the facts. It's not that they shouldn't care because it doesn't affect them. It's like saying you don't care if someone on tv is murdered because it doesn't affect you.
What they think about is the act itself whether it's a stranger on tv or their son or daughter.
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I'm sorry but you may not know the facts. It's not that they shouldn't care because it doesn't affect them. It's like saying you don't care if someone on tv is murdered because it doesn't affect you.
The difference between murder and homosexuality is that being gay doesn't cause harm, while killing someone does cause harm.
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I know, and the only reason why I asked was because I am a member of the American GLBT community and was just checking for bigotry, not that you have any, just natural instinct.
although agree with the statement about not judging, i don't think it is necessary for homosexuality to be put into every single movie and tv show.
who says it has been? i'm pretty gay, and i'm a big activist, and i love it when shows and movies have gay characters that actually have feelings and such, but i can think of a couple dozen movies that don't have gay characters. even ones that are out in theaters right now.
Let's see...
Spiderwick Chronicles (or so I assume. I admit I haven't seen it. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong).
Jumper Vantage Point Charlie Bartlett American Gangster Awake Enchanted Alvin and the Chipmunks No Country For Old Men There Will Be Blood Juno Atonement Charlie Wilson's War Michael Clayton The Other Boleyn Girl Sweeney Todd National Treasure 2 10,000 B.C. (I doubt they'd venture into that just yet).
I'm not trying to flame you (no pun intended)...I'm just trying to point out that I hear A LOT of people, including my best friend of 10 years, gripe and complain that EVERYTHING these days has a gay character. Look at your tv schedule. We have fewer gay characters on TV than we have in the past few years.
As far as movies, I just proved that theory wrong, so I don't see why people complain.
I will also go as far as to say that SO WHAT if there's a gay character. You don't like gay characters? No one's forcing you to watch the movie/tv show. And if we wanted to be realistic, we WOULD include gay characters everywhere (and, not to alarm anyone, but...WE ARE EVERYWHERE!!) as well as Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and plenty of others.
*(Please understand, I'm not yelling at or arguing with you. This is just my simple "argument" against these other people). *
"i don't think it is necessary for homosexuality to be put into every single movie and tv show"
Neither is it necessary to avoid the subject either.
There is quite enough intolerance in the world, without humanity constantly carving up groups, sub-groups, genders, colours, creeds etc.
Even sub-groups take a sharp scalpel and find ways to carve themselves into even smaller sub-sub-groups - where does it end?
TBBA offers a wide range of scenarios for the viewer to observe and learn. If we look at others with jaundiced malice then we are inviting the same back. Each person is capable of good and bad behaviour but there is a fundamental core of good or bad; judging someone as evil because they are different is the worst form of discrimination.
Judge people by their deeds. We're all part of some minority or other, do we enjoy being judged as a result of that minority?
All persons are of spiritual Worth, but homosexuality is incompatible with Christianity, paraphrased from the United Methodist Book of Discipline. 1st Cor. Lists Homosexuals with Murderers, Thieves, Idol worshipers, and Adulterers, these are the ones that will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not the person that should be hared, it is the sin that should be hated.
My name is Ozymandias, King of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
1st Cor. Lists Homosexuals with Murderers, Thieves, Idol worshipers, and Adulterers
No it doesn't. Not in the original Greek, anyway. There was no concept of sexual orientation back then. Other translations have 'homosexuals' replaced with 'pederasts' or 'abusers of themselves with mankind'. And while there was a perfectly valid Greek word to describe men who had sex with men, it was not the word used in 1st Cor, which uses 'arsenokoites' instead and is thought to be an invented term from Paul that possibly refers to shrine prostitution. If Paul had really meant to refer to homosexuality, why make up a new word?
"One of the good things about TBAA is that it is NOT a Christian show. It is totally non-denominational. All a person has to do to enjoy the show is to have a belief in the Almighty. So I suppose atheists and agnostics didn't like it."
Yes, but many faiths don't believe in one ''Almighty''.
What I am certain about is that there are no excepetions to God's love. The people with whom Jesus spent his time in this world were certainly not on the A-list. They were generally speaking people who were looked down upon by society.
God and God alone has the right to judge people. First of all, what greater proof of God's unfailing love could we ask for than sending Jesus into this world. I am sure there are people who are truly bad and will be condemned, but I beleive God knows people's hearts and I dare to take Jesus at His word when he said that whoever beleived in Him would never die.
There's another episode even earlier in the series, where a woman is trying to open a AIDS home to help the ones in their failing health. It's a little more indirect since there aren't any gay characters in that one, but they do still have to fight the small town beliefs.
As for this show, this episode should have had Monica convert a homosexual with her angelic vagina, sort of like on Angels in America where the female angel somehow forces a gay to get an erection, have an orgasm, and love it, but have it go further so that he never wants another man again. Also, on Angels in America, the female angel also has sex with a female human.
Also, I just want to say here that the bible advocates slavery and a bunch of other nauseating stuff, and yet there was an episode called "Such a Time as This" where the angels care about slavery in Sudan.