I'm so torn on this topic. My little shipper's heart wants them to be together in some way so badly and there are so many squeeful little moments that seem to back the idea up... but then I remember they are (albeit fictional) angels and I want to smack myself on the hand and go "bad fangirl! Take off the shipper goggles, angels =/= romance." Anyone else there with me?
I've been faced with that dilemma. I think they're beautiful together, but at the same time, it's like "Angels don't have that kind of love!" (By that I mean romance.)
I think the writers/producers/whomever did this on purpose. The added just enough moments to thrill the romantics, but never made anything official lest they earn the ire of those who believe angels shouldn't have human relationships.
Angels aren't human which means they wouldn't have feelings for each other like humans do. By that I mean, angels don't fall in love with anyone, much less each other, like humans do.
"There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown [Gen. 6:4]."
Some claimed that the "Sons of God" were angels mating with women, whereas more people viewed the "Sons of God" as the offspring of Adam, so angels never produced the offspring that are so popular in horror movies.
First of all you need to stop getting your biblical knowledge from horror movies.
Second, you need to actually study the Bible not just pick and choose random passages to quote and claim you know what it means. Sons of God doesn't mean angels in Genesis, however later in Job it does.
Instead,the overall context suggests that the “sons of God” and “daughters of men” exist as an antithetical parallelism, and refer to the godly Sethites (Genesis 4:26) and worldly Cainites (4:11), respectively.
That's the summation of the write up, but you should read the entire paper to get a better understanding of what is going on.
Well how convenient, it can change meanings so that you won't have to deal with the fact that it's all a bunch of sweltering horse sh!t. Personally, I don't give a flying crap what it says. It still stinks of random BS that explains absolutely nothing whatsoever. But just out of curiousity...explain to me who else helped "god" create man? And yes, there was more than one.
The Bible commentary we use says there have been several meanings suggested for this: Son of God could equal descendants of a king and Son of Man could be a commoner; or Son of God could be descendants of Abel and Son of Man could be those of Cain (good and evil). Others think the verse might indeed be about male angels and female humans. The jury's still out, it seems.