MovieChat Forums > Touched by an Angel (1994) Discussion > More New-Age than Christian?

More New-Age than Christian?

Do you think the show is Biblically accurate and follows Judeo-Christian principles ? As a Christian watching I feel that it dips into New Agism from time to time. I can't put my finger on where. I only started watching again recently. The dead cannot see the living, I know that. What do Y'all think?




It wasn't really Christian. Their idea of "God" is very vague. No mention of salvation through Jesus Christ. And they make it look as if anyone who is "good" simply goes to heaven.


I agree. That's what I don't like about the show. It's clearly based on Christianity as it has characters like Satan and characters from the Bible are mentioned by the angels (in one episode, Monica mentions the three Hebrew boys who were thrown into the furnace), but they don't really dwell much into it. Them not talking about Jesus is a real bust right there. How do you not mention him? I guess they were afraid if they followed the Christian values completely it would turn people away from the show since they are very strict and some do come off as unfair (such as a "good" person being in Hell if they die without Christ), so they structured things to make them peaches and cream so audiences can swallow it easier. But by doing that, it gives a false look at the religion and the salvation.


Also, CBS is run by the illumananti, secret society that is anti-Christ. Search their logo and you will find the all seeing eye is one of the symbol of Satan, part of the new world order system that has an agenda to turn people away from the truth. That said, they don't have to literally broadcast violence, sex or rebellion. All they had to do is to introduce a washed down gospel that devoids of the importance of Jesus!

There is nothing more effective than telling half truths and half lies. Still, I enjoy watching this show because it has a lot of redeeming values. But I must have my bible knowledge on alert.


I agree. That's what I don't like about the show. It's clearly based on Christianity as it has characters like Satan and characters from the Bible are mentioned by the angels (in one episode, Monica mentions the three Hebrew boys who were thrown into the furnace), but they don't really dwell much into it. Them not talking about Jesus is a real bust right there. How do you not mention him? I guess they were afraid if they followed the Christian values completely it would turn people away from the show since they are very strict and some do come off as unfair (such as a "good" person being in Hell if they die without Christ), so they structured things to make them peaches and cream so audiences can swallow it easier. But by doing that, it gives a false look at the religion and the salvation.
I think what somebody posted about the show on a Christian site that comments upon entertainment may be appropriate. Some other comments are harshly critical, even including an episode with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was stepping over the line to one person commenting. I think the intent of the show is to remain within a broader umbrella of believers. After all, not only Christians believe in one God and angels, so do Muslims and Jewish people. Also, not all Christians believe that people are heading to hell if they do not expressly say, "I believe in Jesus"...
Usually Ok—This is mainly an educational for those Christians who have reservations or do not like TBAA. First off lets clear something up. Fact - This show is written by a Christian. Fact - This show is produced and operated by a secular company. This company asked Martha Williamson a Christian writer who is very annointed to write a TV show. And they gave her limitations to write the show. The lack of mention of Jesus Christ is not her choice, but she does a very good job of portraying the gospel with all of her constraints. I have heard Christ mentioned in one episode, she took a liberty because of Christmas. Tess said "Lets put a little Christ back in X-mas!" That's not much granted, however, this women (Martha W.) Tries very hard to minister to anyone she can and does a great job. I even saw Andrew step over someone because it was implied that they would not accept Christ. Unles you follow the program and know about the people involved, please do not make judgments. (Bit of trivia: Tess and Andrew in real life are both very involved with ministry outside the show.)

—Kyle Kunkle (Double Portion Ministries), age 32
Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


I think the intent of the show is to remain within a broader umbrella of believers. After all, not only Christians believe in one God and angels, so do Muslims and Jewish people.

What is your point here exactly? The show is vague to appeal to people of other faiths similar to Christianity they can watch the show and think it's aiming to their religion?

Also, not all Christians believe that people are heading to hell if they do not expressly say, "I believe in Jesus"...

But wouldn't it have been good for this show to TEACH that? I mean, why continue to mislead those people? You have something from that link in bold to where the network had control over how much of the Christian faith Martha can put into the show. Quite a shame here. Just as long as Martha herself isn't one of these ignorant Christians that doesn't know the Bible all too well, then I won't really blame her for the show being do vague in it's teachings.


I think the intent of the show is to remain within a broader umbrella of believers. After all, not only Christians believe in one God and angels, so do Muslims and Jewish people.

What is your point here exactly? The show is vague to appeal to people of other faiths similar to Christianity they can watch the show and think it's aiming to their religion?
No, not that it is vague. I do not think it is vague at all in its support of a caring God. I think that it can appeal to all people who believe in God by not narrowly following one strict theology or interpretation of scripture.
Also, not all Christians believe that people are heading to hell if they do not expressly say, "I believe in Jesus"...

But wouldn't it have been good for this show to TEACH that? I mean, why continue to mislead those people? You have something from that link in bold to where the network had control over how much of the Christian faith Martha can put into the show. Quite a shame here. Just as long as Martha herself isn't one of these ignorant Christians that doesn't know the Bible all too well, then I won't really blame her for the show being do vague in it's teachings.
Does the show mislead people? Does the Bible really claim that people are heading to hell if they do not vocally express belief in Jesus? I know people who do this and act in just the opposite direction of what Christ taught. What matters more, a claim that is not necessary heart-felt or lives turned in a better direction, as Christ would have us live?

Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


The whole point of Jesus dying on the cross for us is to save us from eternal torment. If everyone was going to automatically be let in to heaven, Jesus never would have come here. So yes, it takes us accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior into our hearts. We are not saved by works but by grace through faith. Nothing comes before the cross. And we walk in obedience out of love for Him but nothing comes before the cross. So Jesus calls us to repentance and be reborn. We can't enter God's kingdom until we are reborn. He's a relationship, not a religion. It’s about a committed relationship with Jesus. Making Him Lord over ALL areas of our life.

I belong to Jesus: my Lord, Savior, my eternity, my everything. I love you, Jesus!



That's how it should be. People who display Christian principles, like charity, chastity, morality, helps other people without looking for reward, should be going to heaven.

But to a narcissistic, egomaniac like God, you bending the knee to Him is far more important than the good you do in other's lives. Otherwise, the "good" people would go to Heaven, and the "bad" people would go to Hell.

Having to accept Christ, or else, just makes me think that God is looking for reasons to keep people out of Heaven, rather than find reasons for them to get in. To get in, God needs His ego stroked, and told how great He is, despite all the bad things he allows to happen in the world.

That's why I like the idea of "karma" and wish that it existed. So that the good get good things, and the bad get bad things. Everyone would get what they deserve, not what some God wants to deal to them as He sees fit.


Manna Fest, how many episodes have you seen? Because I have seen Seasons 3 and 7 in their entirety and part of Season 8 and I don't see how you can say that this show makes life look like only good people go to Heaven.

I've seen about 40 episodes of the show from all throughout the nine seasons. You've seen more episodes than me. CONGRATULATIONS. But I have you know I've read about the show and also got knowledge of it from other users who watched it all like that. The show does make it seem like only good people go to heaven. Sure, we've had characters beg for forgiveness, but not through Jesus which is what the Bible says. In most cases when you have people that don't seem all that bad but probably not even religious the angels don't even talk to them about believing in Jesus so they can make sure they earned a spot with God in the afterlife. It comes off as them dying at some point and they're automatically guaranteed a trip to heaven.

Have you seen The Violin Lesson (Homosexual dying of AIDS) or Famous Last Words (Murderer on Death Row)? The reason these two characters (Tony and Danny) go to Heaven is NOT BECAUSE THEY WERE GOOD PEOPLE--on the contrary they did some terrible things. They went to Heaven because they BEGGED GOD'S FORGIVENESS for their sins and showed a willingness to be cleansed spiritually.

I know, I know. I've seen those episodes. But like I said above, not mention of Jesus and in cases where death isn't involved the angels don't remind people to believe in Jesus to make sure they're saved.

There's another episode called Into the Light where a criminal has a heart attack and comes close to Death's door. When he is unconscious he has visions of Andrew blocking the way to Heaven and falling into Hell. When he recovers, he starts doing all these good deeds to inherit eternal life. Andrew and Monica clearly tell him no one can be good enough to go to Heaven. You have to first humble yourself before God and beg forgiveness for your sins.

Now this is an episode I had to see. After seeing your comment, I went to look it up on Youtube and it was quite intriguing. It's always good to see episodes like this and I wonder if there's more of them. I love the talk on Hell.

I can see your gripe about the show not mentioning Jesus Christ (although they do quote some of his teachings sometimes like "Render under Caesar's that which is Caesar's and unto God's that which is God's" in the Reasonable Doubt episode) but even if you don't like this show (I can tell you don't from all your other various posts on this board) I don't see how you can say it shows only good people going to Heaven.

That's where you're wrong. I DO like the show. I just wish it a bit more Christian and not so vague in some things, especially when it came to Jesus Christ. He should have been mentioned all the time!


The dead cannot see the living, I know that. What do Y'all think?
I believe they will be able to, because the Bible teaches resurrection which occurs after all have died.



I believe that the dead can see what we are doing, from time to time.

What, you believe that a "loving" God, as you claim, would deny those in heaven the chance to see how their loved ones are coping, or miss seeing special events in their loved one's lives (such as weddings), or hear what people say about them at their funeral? Does that mean that once they are dead, those in heaven aren't supposed to care about those left behind?

God has already ripped that person out of your life physically. So, now, we are meant to believe that they miss out on even knowing what they are missing?


Does that mean that once they are dead, those in heaven aren't supposed to care about those left behind?
No, it means I believe that a resurrection occurs after all have died. The dead will know what they missed in due time, just not at this instant.



Okay, to the people here who don't believe that the dead can see us from heaven, please answer the following questions:-

1)Where does it say this in the Bible? Nowhere does it say specifically that those who have departed will or will not be able to see what is happening on Earth. It remains silent on the subject, meaning that no-one can say for sure. Therefore you can't be so definitive that it is not the case that the departed don't know what is going on.

2)Where does the soul go then? If the departed have no awareness until judgment, then where are they now? They wouldn't still be with their body, so where does a soul go when it does? Is it some holding pen that all souls are kept until judgment, or limbo, or perguatory? Are they still on Earth as ghosts? Come on, what does the Bible say about it?

3)Why would a loving God not let the departed see their loved ones from heaven, see special events and what is going on in their lives?

4)If souls don't go to heaven or hell until judgment, then what is the "new heaven and the new Earth" spoken about in the book of Revelation?

5) The Bible speaks of that we will instantly recognize lost loved ones in heaven, even though we are both in new bodies. If this is the case, then why would it not be the case that souls wouldn't have consciousness to know what is going on and process information?

6)God and the angels know what is happening on Earth, why would those who departed and are in heaven not also know?


Soul sleep is what I believe, but I haven't absolutely proven it. One of the big problems not usually discussed is TIME. How does it differ on earth and in heaven? Since you like a lot of points, this article might be of interest:



Why should you have to BEG for forgiveness?

If God REALLY wants none to perish, like the Bible claims, then He wouldn't make it that you have to BEG for forgiveness to be saved.

I prayed for my brother shortly before he died. I prayed that he accept God into his life, and that God heal him. I ended with "AMEN" and my brother said "AMEN!" This was my last contact with him before he passed, so never heard my brother say the so-called "Sinner's Prayer".

But to me, my brother saying "Amen" when I prayed for his salvation is sufficient. It means that he accepted me praying that for him. If he isn't now in heaven because he didn't say the right words, or in the right order, when the intention is there, then my brother is too good for the likes of God, rather than not good enough. If God can't send my brother to heaven, because he didn't say it right, despite the intentions in his heart, then it is God who has the problem, not my brother.


One thing that feels weird is some episodes reflect belief in fate/destiny/predestination more strongly than I think is typical in most Christianity.


I think that you've got the Judeo part right.

11... 92... 12...
