Manna Fest, how many episodes have you seen? Because I have seen Seasons 3 and 7 in their entirety and part of Season 8 and I don't see how you can say that this show makes life look like only good people go to Heaven.
I've seen about 40 episodes of the show from all throughout the nine seasons. You've seen more episodes than me. CONGRATULATIONS. But I have you know I've read about the show and also got knowledge of it from other users who watched it all like that. The show does make it seem like only good people go to heaven. Sure, we've had characters beg for forgiveness, but not through Jesus which is what the Bible says. In most cases when you have people that don't seem all that bad but probably not even religious the angels don't even talk to them about believing in Jesus so they can make sure they earned a spot with God in the afterlife. It comes off as them dying at some point and they're automatically guaranteed a trip to heaven.
Have you seen The Violin Lesson (Homosexual dying of AIDS) or Famous Last Words (Murderer on Death Row)? The reason these two characters (Tony and Danny) go to Heaven is NOT BECAUSE THEY WERE GOOD PEOPLE--on the contrary they did some terrible things. They went to Heaven because they BEGGED GOD'S FORGIVENESS for their sins and showed a willingness to be cleansed spiritually.
I know, I know. I've seen those episodes. But like I said above, not mention of Jesus and in cases where death isn't involved the angels don't remind people to believe in Jesus to make sure they're saved.
There's another episode called Into the Light where a criminal has a heart attack and comes close to Death's door. When he is unconscious he has visions of Andrew blocking the way to Heaven and falling into Hell. When he recovers, he starts doing all these good deeds to inherit eternal life. Andrew and Monica clearly tell him no one can be good enough to go to Heaven. You have to first humble yourself before God and beg forgiveness for your sins.
Now this is an episode I had to see. After seeing your comment, I went to look it up on Youtube and it was quite intriguing. It's always good to see episodes like this and I wonder if there's more of them. I love the talk on Hell.
I can see your gripe about the show not mentioning Jesus Christ (although they do quote some of his teachings sometimes like "Render under Caesar's that which is Caesar's and unto God's that which is God's" in the Reasonable Doubt episode) but even if you don't like this show (I can tell you don't from all your other various posts on this board) I don't see how you can say it shows only good people going to Heaven.
That's where you're wrong. I DO like the show. I just wish it a bit more Christian and not so vague in some things, especially when it came to Jesus Christ. He should have been mentioned all the time!