Well not by name but Monica says on a X-mas episode something like, "2000 years ago a woman was told she was gonna have a baby" So I guess it IS more of a Christian show than people think.
But it's not Christian enough and far from it actually. The example you give to them referencing Jesus doesn't help much. The Christian angle was very vague and they barely mention Jesus and when they do in the rare moments you brought up, it's not even by name. They were out to make a religious-theme show, but it's like they were scared to go all the way fearing all the complaints from atheists. Then of course there's things in the Bible that even ignorant Christians would be offended of that they wouldn't want to touch on (a lost person going to Hell if they die without Christ no matter how they lived on Earth).
I'm sure that there was more than one woman who was told that she was going to have a baby approximately 2000 years ago. The Virgin Mary wasn't one of them since she never existed.
What a stupid comment. For one, Monica is obviously referring to Mary since why else would she refer to a woman 2,000 years earlier when Jesus would have been born and in a CHRIST-mas episode at that? There's a clear significance with this dumbass, as I don't see Monica bringing up some random woman having a baby she was best off not even mentioning if she wasn't trying to tell of something significant out of this. And two, "she never existed" really? We're talking about the SHOW, not reality. What does Mary not existing in reality have to do with her not existing in the world of the show? You do realize the show's world is not the same as reality? So she definitely existed in the show and you can't dispute that, and how the hell do you even know she didn't exist in reality? You don't know what went on 2,000 years ago so don't be making your foggy assumptions on what the truth is.
Apparently the cast and crew had to be hush hush on certain things like Jesus' name because of how secular and strict CBS was. The show was like a threat in ways according to the creator, a network person had to WHISPER behind the scenes to her how much he or she liked it. Quite a shame really, and quite a shame you have such a hatred for a religion that has done nothing to you. You better hope your ass it isn't true, because you will regret those words if it is. I hope it is so I can see you perish into oblivion.
What the hell are you doing? Are you NOT trying to get the last word in? Why do you keep replying to me? Don't be talking about me getting the last word when you're apparently doing the same thing.