Good episodes

Any recommendations on good episodes to watch. I recently acquired all the dvds. What are some of the very best episodes? I would appreciate any recommendations.


One of my all time favorite episodes is I think called Shallow Water. It is a two parter and all star cast. Forgive my spelling - Randy Travis, John Snieder, Delta Burke, Nell Carter and more.

The episode was about a woman struggling to over come a horrific tragedy in her life. Her mind as blocked it out. Her family was a Christian gospel group that traveled and sang together.

I'm not a crier but one night I started watching the episode while I got ready for bed. It was the music that kept me watching. I had no idea it was a two parter. It has me in tears. I discovered Randy Travis had a CD out with most of the songs from the show and quickly got it. It's one of my favorite CDs. It's called Insperational Journey.


I too have the entire set. FEAR NOT! and THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD in Season One are two of my favorites. In Season Four try THE TRIGGER; REDEEMING LOVE; FLIGHTS OF ANGELS; BREAKING BREAD and GOD AND COUNTRY. INTO THE FIRE from Season Five is excellent. I'm in Season Six currently and this has been one of the strongest seasons in the series: TIL DEATH DO US PART; THEN SINGS MY SOUL; LIFE BEFORE DEATH; HERE I AM and BAR MITZVAH. As the series became more popular the budget for the shows increased and Seasons 5 & 6 have exception production values with strong scripts and powerful performances.


If you end up being a fan of Andrew, the ultra-cute Angel of Death who first appeared in the season 2 episode "The One That Got Away", then I would recommend "My Dinner with Andrew", "The Journalist" and "The Violin Lesson" for starters. They're all great episodes in their own right, though.

PS Happy birthday John Dye. He would have been 54 today.


These episodes, really touched my heart:

The Violin Lesson
A Winter Carol
Unidentified Female
Fallen Angela
An Unexpected Snow
Bring on the Rain
The Pact
The Sign of the Dove
Buy Me a Rose
Redeeming Love
Flesh and Blood
The Heart of the Matter


I think its quite terrible.
