Opening Credits

Has anyone else been annoyed to see that for the last few years they have chosen to cut the theme tune being played as the episode starts? You used to be able to hear the saxaphone part play out over the remaining credits eg. episode title, director etc.

Anyone else annoyed at this and know why they decided to remove it. Also not repsent for end credits or little interludes during the episodes.


I agree with you, since I also prefered the longer version of the title music. Such a good tune. I ripped it off the episode 'Dead male one' where it can be heard really good, plus there is a full CD version, much longer and unused in its entirety in the series. If you want, leave me your email in PM and I'll mail you both. :)


Hello musical devotee,
I also am a huge fan of the UK hit A Touch Of Frost, I have seached online for hours trying to find the name of the music that plays in the beginning and throughout the show. The only thing I can find is it was composed by Barbara Thompson, but they do not give a name of the piece. I would love to know where I can find this and download it or even purchase this on if possible.
If you are still able to send the info , you can send it to me through my email address, [email protected] .
I live in Wisconsin, so I cannot ask you to send me a copy of the disk.
Thank you ,


Hello Tom;

I emailed you the full length theme, that's the only track I have.

