This wasn't too bad.

Although if they do a remake, it will have to be something similar in scope. They couldn't really tell the story in just a movie or two.


Not too bad ... yeah, that describes my reaction. I'm repeating things I've said elsewhere, but my main two disappointments with it were the casting and the direction. The casting wasn't out-and-out awful, just that most of the main actors seemed not quite right for the parts they were playing. And I've never been a fan of Mick Garris's work, suffice it to say.

If they do a remake (I've heard nothing about if one is planned), I'd like to see a better exploration of the Harold Lauder character. His troubled childhood and bitter disappointments go a long way toward explaining and perhaps even mitigating some of his nastiness, but a viewer of the 1994 miniseries who had never read the book would have no way of knowing that; the Harold Lauder presented there was just a pure, simple asshole.


I liked it quite a bit.


It was horrendous. Beyond cheesy. One of the absolute worst miniseries I have seen to this day and the worst Stephen King adaptation since ''Desperation''.


Tell us how you really feel... :)

When it came out I thought it was fine when compared to its TV contemporaries, I had read the book not long before it was announced and felt it did the job for the most part. Though if they do it again I hope its another miniseries for Netflix or Amazon rather than network TV or theatrical.


Tell us how you really feel... :)

When it came out I thought it was fine when compared to its TV contemporaries, I had read the book not long before it was announced and felt it did the job for the most part. Though if they do it again I hope its another miniseries for Netflix or Amazon rather than network TV or theatrical.

I have said this a time or two myself.


It was horrendous. Beyond cheesy. One of the absolute worst miniseries I have seen to this day and the worst Stephen King adaptation since ''Desperation''.

I disagree with your assessment, but it is still valid.

Care to give some details?

Personally, I thought it was a good mini-series, and it is my favorite King adaptation and one of my all-time favorite DVD's. It followed the book remarkably well, and the casting was (with some notable exceptions) quite good.

Was it perfect? Of course not, but it was still, in my view at least) very good.
