I actually felt bad for Lloyd
Yes ok. Lloyd was a Criminal. No excuses for his actions.
But, it's obvious, there was some good in him. He was not bright at all, easily led, and longing for some sort of true friend and companion. He openly stated his life sucked and he could never trust anyone.
Flagg plays on this and gains Lloyd's unending Loyalty, even when Lloyd is aware that things are not going well. The fact that he is as loyal as he is actually to me says something good about his character....in a good way. Loyalty to the end is a fantastic human trait. I truly get the feeling that if someone from the Mother Abigail's group had beaten Flagg to the jail cell and
offered the same friendship and therefore saved him from starving he would have then been just as loyal to them as well....and therefore turned his life around.
He was not innocent of his crimes, but also a very lonely man looking to be noticed as something in life. I actually give him FAR more sympathy that Harold, who actually had the good side pulling for him..and willfully gave it away.