Why would God bother with a nuclear bomb? If God can materialize a hand out of energy why bother using a human bomb? Such contradictions make this whole story rather ridiculous.
Why would God bother with a nuclear bomb? If God can materialize a hand out of energy why bother using a human bomb? Such contradictions make this whole story rather ridiculous.
Not really; God often works through other people or natural phenomena. An example might be charity; As good people, we are expected to provide for the poor among us. Why does God not simply make the poor rich instead? Why did Samson die pulling down the temple of Dagon? Could God not have destroyed the temple without Samson's sacrifice?
Direct Divine intervention in human affairs without some sort of effort by people is rare. This might not satisfy you, but it is consistent with Judeo-Christian beliefs.
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Sure but in the world of The Stand, God can appear as a massive energy-hand so presumably he can just ‘swipe’ away any nare-do-wells without the need for a nuclear bomb?
Also, how Godly is it to lay waste to thousands of people? After the almost total genocide of humanity by the virus and Satan stomping around the apocalyptic wasteland, you’d think God could cut humanity some slack but no, he nukes half of the survivors.
I know your critique is 3 years old...but every so often I watch this miniseries and the questions always get me going and your question is one of them.
Why in the hell would God need Larry and Ralph to be there if Trash was going to arrive with a nuclear bomb and "The hand of God" was going to detonate said bomb? The end of this story is somewhat pointless when it comes to the story of Larry and Ralph.
Also...when you think about it, why in the hell would God need people to come to Boulder or to follow Mother Abigail. She ended up being kind of pointless too.
This story is fascinating, but if you really think about it, the story is full of holes and pointlessness.
I know your critique is 3 years old...but every so often I watch this miniseries and the questions always get me going and your question is one of them.
Why in the hell would God need Larry and Ralph to be there if Trash was going to arrive with a nuclear bomb and "The hand of God" was going to detonate said bomb? The end of this story is somewhat pointless when it comes to the story of Larry and Ralph.
Also...when you think about it, why in the hell would God need people to come to Boulder or to follow Mother Abigail. She ended up being kind of pointless too.
This story is fascinating, but if you really think about it, the story is full of holes and pointlessness.
Larry and Ralph were the 'draw' if I can use that term for the crowd.
Please remember that everyone in Flagg's domain, with the exception of small groups of technical specialists out of the area were required to be present to witness what was going to happen to Larry and Ralph. Without their presence, there would be no crowd. That was the whole point of the journey to Vegas in the first place: the weakening of Flagg and the destruction of Flagg's operation.
Flagg was, in effect, being set up for his own downfall and the journey of The Four was an important part of it. Along with what Trashy did at Indian Springs, Nadine's death along with his unborn son and Dayna's denying him the third spy's identity, Flagg was beginning to 'fray around the edges' so to speak and he needed something to show his people, and perhaps himself, that he was still in control and that things were still on course.
So, the story is not quite so full of holes and pointless as it seems to you.
Here's another take on it...in the bible there are several stories where God requires people to do certain thing which almost certainly see them end in their deaths, or locked away and possibly tortured. In doing these things one may ask, "Well hey...if you're God...I mean THE God...why don't you just take care of things yourself and leave people alone? In short, do your own dirty work." The moral of most of those stories is that God requires these people to do these things just because he wants to know WHO will stand up for him. In The Stand, Stephen King kinda wrote his own biblical story because that's pretty much what God wanted. The men were to go there and be the draw for everyone to be present and then in doing so, be destroyed.
So yeah, I get your point. I still think from my logical perspective, if such a God exists...he or whatever it is should be doing his own dirty work. But in the end, King was just following suit so to speak and I do not hold anything against him for that.
And I will always think certain things that happened in the book/story were kind of pointless in the end. That will never stop my interest in this story though.
From a purely human perspective, I can see what you are saying. It IS illogical to many.
Here is perhaps something else for you to think about. In the Bible, we are commanded to provide for the poor among us. The three great monotheistic faiths, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, all strongly encourage charitable giving. Why does God not make the poor wealthy instead? I do not presume to speak for the Deity, but part of it could be that he wants us to love and provide for the poor as act of loyalty? faith? commitment? to Him.
There is a question for you if you decide to answer this post.
That IS a really good question and I have never thought of it before. If providing for the poor is so important to the big 3...and the big three basically have the same deity, why doesn't that deity make the poor wealthy? That's definitely something to ponder. Thank you.