Why are so many people confused about who Flagg is?
I have lots of Stephen King loving friends. and recently we had a discussion about his books, most especially this one. What is odd to me is that many of them are confused about who Flagg is. It's pretty obvious. Hes the Devil..or at least a demon from hell. The parallels with Christian concepts of the "Evil One" are blatantly obvious in this story from start to finish. Now, granted it's been about 20 years since I read the book, and since then I have seen the movie about 8 different times....to include last week. I forgot alot from the book, but as far as the movie is concerned. there is no doubt about who Flagg is supposed to be. King himself never wants to commit to this character being the "devil"..and I wonder why that is. When asked, he skirts around the subject, and yet the signs and dialogue in this movie make it pretty obvious.
For one, There are THREE times when the reference to him being Satan is stated by characters in a pretty clear manner. Well twice anyways with a third one confirming him as a being from hell. The first time is by FLAGG himself. When he meets Lloyd, one of the first thing he says is " Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name". This is actually an old phrase which the Rolling Stones used in their song Sympathy for the Devil... Flagg is referencing himself as the Devil..
The next time is when the Three travelers are first caught by Flagg's men and the cop states that Flagg is the "Biggest and Baddest". Glen mentions that Flagg is "An apostate of Hell". The third time is when Flagg is about to pronounce sentence on the last 2 prisoners and Asked if they have any last words..Larry Says to him "Why don't you tell him your real name?"....Obviously he means Satan..I am sure he is not talking about Bozo the clown !
Also, there are so many times that Mother Abigail and STU reference Bible quotes throughout the movie. Another sign of this being the final battle between God and Satan.
Many people I know say the he is a a spinster, a trickster. under different names in other books. yes, I read them all. but that's ALSO the essence of Satan. he is supposed to be a liar, a deceiver who is immortal. Therefore, he can't really die...In the book he reincarnates on a tropical island. Makes sense. If he is an immortal Demon a nuclear bomb is only going to destroy his temporary physical body anyways...not his immortality.
Randall Flagg is Satan..No doubt about it.