The Costuming
I'm a fan of this series, but I have to be honest, the women's wardrobes in it irritate me. They're basically all in skirts and dresses all the time - pretty sure the only time we see Fran NOT dressed up to some degree is the early scene with her dad before the plague (and Fran was not super girly in the book). We might see Sue in jeans in one scene, if I remember right. Nadine wears dress pants throughout. Julie Lawry is dressed like she's going to the club in every scene she's in (where in Pratt, KS, do you find 3 inch platforms, anyway?). It's the apocalypse, you're constantly traveling (by motorcycle!), sleeping in tents, but yet you wear full makeup and dress like you're going on a date or job interview all the time? Lucy is the only female character we see in jeans on more than one occasion. (Also irksome - Stu's line to Frannie at the meeting, "let em see how pretty you look with a dress on", which was taken verbatim from the book, is completely nonsensical in the series; all she wears is dresses.) The men, by contrast, are always dressed casually, jeans, cargos, cords. I dunno, it just bugs me.
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.