
Now they're talking about making a remake. Can you say,Psycho? Ben-Hur?

This mini series is great and hits everything right on the mark! When I first saw it I had just finished reading King's book. Everyone I had pictured in the book was there on the screen just as how I had pictured them in my mind!

The only thing they could possibly improve on would be the effects at the end as far as I can see. They're not bad considering the time the series came out. Acting? How could anyone possibly improve on these performances? Waste of time. I'll save my money and wait and see if somebody can possibly come up with something original.


I was disappointed somewhat with the miniseries, largely because of what was capable of being produced at the time.

I think some of the casting was a little off and also some of the casting. Plus a few plot points were changed, characters merged or omitted; That kind of irked me but not in a serious way.

It can't be compared to psycho as the novel and the film were written and released almost simultaneously. The miniseries was released almost 20 years later than the book and the book had a great many fans before the series was conceived. If anything, I would like it fleshed out more (A full series rather than a miniseries).

My only hope they is don't make it contemporary, rather setting it in another version of the 1990s. A 'what might have happened' scenario.


So, is it back on again? Have you heard something? It was on, then off and then on and off again. There are a number of threads on it in this board already; does what you have heard concern the content of one of these threads? Or is this an entirely separate project?


Yep I'm satisfied by the original


I guess I'm for a remake. And I know how to appreciate oldies but goodies. I think the production could have been better for 94. It could never get my attention and I gave it many tries. Soundtrack sounded like an 80's TV show, like IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT type music.

Do the remake! Maybe I'll watch it.


I guess I'm for a remake. And I know how to appreciate oldies but goodies. I think the production could have been better for 94. It could never get my attention and I gave it many tries. Soundtrack sounded like an 80's TV show, like IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT type music.

Do the remake! Maybe I'll watch it.
Just curious: have you read the book? If you did, how did you like it?

PS Even though it did not affect the overall film for me too much, I actually liked the soundtrack.
