Disturbed. {some spoilers}
All in all, I have to say I was somewhat happy with the adaptation besides a couple of the cast members {The lady who played Anne Hampton..ugh.} UP UNTIL the second half which particularly got to me. Basically if I wanted to rent an almost-porn-graphic movie then I would have, I was expecting something a LOT milder. More PG, and yes, I have read the book. But this was on the borderlines of R-rated, and certainly did not have the ending that was in the book.
Also, I absolutely was BOTHERED, {anyone else agree?} in general with Sean Bean's role considering that he raped Mary AND Scarlett. It was way too much to be shown, it would be enough just to SEE the bruises and get the implication in all fairness. Anybody have any advice to get those PARTICULARLY disturbing scenes out of my head?
I was also bothered by the ending, when Colum ended up being killed by Richard, which is not how I believe was written in the book.
My rating of the book: 6/10.
This particularly mini-series: 2/10
The only thing that I was really fond of was a few of the cast members, including the guy that played Ashley.