MovieChat Forums > Politically Incorrect (1993) Discussion > Why 'Politically Incorrect' Got The Boot...

Why 'Politically Incorrect' Got The Boot...

"The show did debut on Comedy Central before its high-profile move to ABC. Maher got into hot water with the Big Shots at Disney by stating that the 9/11 terrorists had more courage than Americans. That ultimately forced his show off the air. Perhaps if Bush is defeated in November, the political climate will be right for Maher's return to prime-time TV." - Wolverine 94

Did "Politically Incorrect" deserve to be booted off the air? Comments?


Thats just spin! The reason it got canceled was poor ratings! The whole fiction about "It was canceled for Maher's comments" has been refuted time, after time!


i'm pretty sure it wasn't cancelled because of poor ratings. from what i understand it had very strong ratings. it was what america really needs. we are consuming way too much celebertiy images, what everyone looks like, not to mention the current trend that has celebrtiy females portraying themselves as stupid. this show made people think, and showed that these so-called role models really did have some brains in their heads (or as least some of them) Also they had political guests as well, which indroduced some younger audiances to them. i guess now we have jon stuart, but i think we needed this show as well.


I don't understand why the show got the boot for being "Politically Incorrect" when that's what it's called. What did they expect?


Celebrities shine in their pretend, fictitious TV show/movie world, but when you pull these naive actors out of fantasyland and put them on a show talking about the real world, it just doesn't work.

America needs 'Politically Incorrect' like it needs a hole in the head. But most actors think America needs a hole in the head, so there you go.


America needs "Practice", like it needs a hole in the head.

In Practice's world, anyone that doesn't think the same thing he/she does or come from the same "humble" origins (and what a load of stinking, politically correct excrement THAT is) isn't "needed" by America. Hell, I'll bet you've even got some nifty little nickname like "Follywood" to express your jealousy.

So cute.

So pathetically shallow.

You couldn't even get your facts straight in one post! Politically Incorrect (and Maher's new show, Real Time) was a show that (contrary to the thoughtless, uneducated assertions made by Practice) featured POLITICAL guests as well as "celebrities".

I guess we need to know what our political leaders think "like we need a hole in the head", eh Practice? Next time, try watching the damn show before dismissing it on false preteses, bub.

The fact is Practice is most likely some "average" person with nothing better to do than express jealousy at a few equally "average" people who are (obviously) doing better in life. Its funny that most of these "celebrity-bashers" are also the only people who really CARE about celebrities. Its the people who "HATE" celebrities that allow rags like the Enquirer to stay in business. They shun critically acclaimed films like the plague, but form their opinions about "Hollyweird" based on tabloids and conservative radio talk show hosts who make more money than half of the celebs they hate the most.

Talk about a hypocritical waste of time...



are you some kind of magician who knows who "Practice" really is or how come you know so much abot him?

Is that link at the end to myspace "Practice's" page there?

Because you implicate a hell of a lot into that two-sentence post s/he made about celebrities. I don't really see a reason for this kind of a reaction. Seems hateful to me.


No it should not have gotten the boot because what he said was true not to mention protected under the 1st amendment.

Even Rush Limbaugh supported him.
