Was Kyle gay?

At the dance he gets pretty excited watching Ricky dance. The next day Sharon had dumped him. When asked she mumbles something along the lines of morals then changes that if I remember correctly? She then mumbles another thing, Kinda along the lines of him is not being who she thought?

Yes they do hook up again around his jock friend. And earlier they do the deed, whilst watching Brad Pitt movies, not saying that's gay. But Brad Pitt has certainly worked up Sharon. So Who is to say it's not the same boat for Kyle?

Maybe a storyline they never got to do gay jock...
Perhaps love interest for Ricky?

Am I reading too much into this or simply put do you think Kyle was gay?



Nah, I think he was getting excited watching Delia at the dance.


So he was more a perv, and that's what changed Sharon perspective of him. That makes sense. knowing me, I probably did read too much into it. Anyone else have a theory on this?


I think he was enjoying watching them dance, that's all. Not in a gay or perv sort of way but more like in a simple minded sort of way. He wasn't the brightest guy around.


I just watched that episode today, and thought the exact same thing. From my perspective it seemed to foreshadow a future storyline. Not saying I'm right, but yeah I got that inclination too.



Thanks lolitahayze21, started thinking I was mad. On that note. Rewatch ppls!


Haha, wow. He was just watching everyone dance and Ricky and Delia took center stage so the entire gym was watching the two of them. He was not *watching* Ricky--I don't even see how this is remotely implied. And I also have never once viewed him as being sexually worked up in any way during this scene.

Sharon realized the dude is a simpleton/dumb jock without much going on upstairs, that's all it was as far as why she doesn't feel the way she did before and this is illustrated repeatedly in following episodes.

"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."


Sorry. Never said he was sexually aroused in that scene. Said he was pretty excited watching them dance.
And as I saw it Ricki dance. Close ups are mainly ricki and face it Delia is quite a step down from Sharon. No offence.
Yes he's dumb but what has that got to do with morals and someone being different than you thought. Homosexuality or bisexuality does to some Sharon fits that mould IMO.
Back to my original thought future storyline season 2. Season 2 never came maybe they found out soon after.
Putting Sharon back with her ex. Tackling another subject using the ex???
At least rewatch ppls those who can see a seed being planted for future storylines hopefully will.


Sharon was definitely prettier than Delia, but Sharon always seemed to be a bit uptight like she had a stick up her butt. I think Kyle liked seeing Delia let loose and have fun. But I could be wrong.


Although everything you said makes total sense because it confused me too about Sharon talking about morals and that he turned out to be someone else and blah blah blah...him getting excited at the dance was just about how Sharon wanted to dance but he was not into it. Then when he was getting excited watching Ricki and Deliah dance it pissed Sharon off ("Why can't you get excited about dancing with ME" is what she would have been thinking). It was just another little reason to make sharon not want to be with him!


I have never gotten the impression that Kyle is gay from that scene. What I've taken away from it is that he was watching Ricky and Delia let loose and truly enjoy themselves, even in a room full of peers who might be judging or mocking them. I didn't see Kyle's expression towards (either of) them to be lustful or anything like that; instead, I think it's sort of admiration and a little envy. When you're popular, a lot of pressure comes along with that. You're expected to behave a certain way and not be too different, etc. Kyle was a jock and a bit of a meat-head and would never be able to let loose like that without being endlessly mocked for it by his jock friends.

I'm not saying popular kids have it rough or anything. I just mean, the grass is always greener, you know? There are pros and cons to being popular, and pros and cons to being unpopular/unknown/or a little weird. Ricky was always one of the "alternative" or "a little weird" kids because of his style and sexuality. So he could dance the way he did without defying anyone's expectations of him. I think there was also a little bit of a "Good for them" look in Kyle's eyes. Like I said, some admiration for letting loose and just having fun without caring what anyone else thinks.

Or Kyle could have just been staring off into space and not thinking anything.

Lastly, I don't think Sharon's nonsensical rant really meant anything. She was always going off on little tangents like that and not making 100% sense. It's like half the explanation was in her head and half was coming out via verbal diarrhea, so it didn't make a ton of sense to an observer. She was probably trying to make sense of it herself - but I think she had just grown apart from Kyle & lost her attraction to him. Once that happened, him being a cute jock wasn't enough for her to put up with his annoying traits.



I have danced with many a gay dude, and boy can you guys get down!
Still its TV and and therefore things are evelavated. See where you are going and all but my heels are dug in. Need more convincing, I am a Libra sorry.
Much love for all the replies. Rewatch see a plot plant... Or help me see that I am plainly just wrong...
Anyone have Winnie Holzman's email lol.


Having watched the episode recently, Kyle looks to me like he's admiring the way Rickie can dance. Saying that he's attracted to Rickie in that scene is just a guess. Sharon's "he's not who I thought he was," seems to me to be that she just assumed a boy she gave herself to must have a comparable mind to her. When this turned out not to be true, she was disappointed. Also, one overall theme seems to be that sex to girls (other than Rayanne) is far more emotionally meaningful than to boys, and sharon couldn't accept that (at first). Kyle knew she got "hot" by watching Brad Pitt in movies - which is why he brought it up later. Perhaps he was smarter than she gave him credit for. But maybe in a Season 2, Kyle would have experienced doubts about his sexuality - we'll never know.
